Parr.z.Sett.z• Exercifo reflijied. .relates) as much frequented. Afporr fit for idle Gentlewomen, Souldiers 273 in Garrifon and Courciers that have nought but love matters ro bufic ----· ·themfelves ~bour,bur nor altogether fo conveniem.for fuch as are Students. Tbelikel may fay of cl. Bmx;rs Philofophygame_. D. Fttlkes Metro?JJachia and his Ottrono?JJachia, vv1th the reft ofthofe lntncate Aftrolog!Call and Geometricall ficrions,for fuch efpecially as are mathematically given; and the reft of thofe curious gamts. Dancing,Singing,Masking,Mttmming, Stage-plaia, howfoevcr they be heavily cenfured by fomefevere Catoes,yet1fopportunely &foberly ufed, may juftly bee approved. MelttU eji fodere, qt~am {:titare, Cuth Attjftn ; but whatisthatiftheyde!ightinit~gNemo Jaltat fobritu, But in vvhatkinde gTutliur. of dance~ I know thefe fporrs have many oppugncrs, whole volumes writ againft them; &fome again, becaufethey arenow cold and wayward,pall: themfelves,cavd at all fuch youthful! fpoms in orhers,as he did inthecomedy;they think them,IUico na(ci fones,&c.Some out of propofterous zeal objell: many times trivial! arguments,and becaufc of fome abufc,will quite take away thegood ufe,as if they fi10uld forbid vvine,becaufeit makesmen drunk;but inmy judgement they are roo fterne: there u atimefor aft things, for my part, I vvill fubfcribe to the kings declaration, and vvas ever ofthat mind,thofeMay-games, wakes,andWhitfon-ales,&c.ifthey be not at unfeafonabh:·hours,may juftly be permitted. Let them fi·eely fing and dance, havetheirpoppet-playes,hobby-hO>rfes, tabers, croudes, bag-pipes, &c. play at ball,and barley-breaks, &whatfports &recreations they like beft. In Franco~ia a province of Germany (faith hAubantU BohmJtU )the old folks h 'DemO>.geni; after cvenmg prayer, went to the ale-houfe,theyounger fort to dance: aud · to fay truth with'Salishurienjit,(atitU foer~t fie otiari,1tMm tur~itU occupari, ; Polycrau.x; better doefo'then worfe,as Without quefttonotherwlfe( Iuchts the corru- cap. B. · pcion ofmans nature)many ofthemwill do.Forthat caufe,Playes,Masks, J efters, Gladiators,Tumblers,Juglers, &c. and all that crew, is admitted kid . and winked at:kTotajomlariumfcena procedit,& ideo (feflaculaad?Jtiffi font, buri:;i~'if & infinita tyrociniavanitattf,m, ut his occttpentter;) qui perniciojirf.s otiari {oJent: that theymight beebufied about fuch toyes, tlm would otherwife more pernicioully be idle. So thatasf Tacit& faidoftheAftrologersin IHifi.tib.x . RoPJe, vvee may fay of them, genU< hofJJinem ejl quodin civitatenojira & 'Vitabitur f<tJ;per & retinehiwr, they are a debolhed companiemoft parr, 1 fiill_fpokenagainH ,as well they defervefome ofthem (for I fore!ifi1 and ,~J-':,:/'!,1;~ d!ftmgUtlh them as fidlers, and mufiCians) and yet ever retained. Evil if not moafinino moto be_edone (Iconfeffe )that go~d1nay come o(it: but ;his is evil per accidmt, ~,':::f:I:,~,~· andm a qualified fenfe,to av01deagreater mconvemence, may jull:ly be to- ~~am eapluflerated. S. Thomas Moore in his Vtopian Common. wealth., 1 a; hee will have 1"~m f'rvilo none idle, fo willhehave no man labotlr over hard, to be toiledottt like anhor(e, ;;:;.;:;~ !1,~ 'tis more then jlavifh infilicity,thelifeoffJtojf ofour hiredfervantt, & tradef- efl,e~cepru men clfewhere( excepting his Vtopians) bttt halfthe day atlottedfonvork,and ~~·P,i;:"f::;:;. halfifor honejlrecreatron, or whatfoever implDymentthey fhatl thinkjit thefJJ- hor.u .Uvidunr, [elves. Ifone halfeday in avveekwere allowed to our houlhholdfervants fixdunraxac r: h · · · b h · h d 11 • opere depurant ror t en merry meetmgs, y t e1r. ar mauers, or mayeare fome feaftes, reliquum" ' • like thofe R~11Jan Saturnals, lthmke they would labour harder all thefomn~&cibo reil: ofthm nme, and both parties bee better pleafed: but this needs not ;;,.~~,t;;;:'" (you