Part. z, Setl:.z. Cure ofMelancholy. Me;;;--b ·4 274 (you .vvill ~ay) for fome.of them doe nought bur loiter all the week long. This vvhich 1 a1~e at ,1s for fuch as are fralh animis ~roubled in mind,to eafe them, over-tOlled on the one!'art, to refrelh: over 1dle on the other, to keep•themfelves bulied.And to this purpofe, as any labour orimployment willfervetotheone, any .hood[ recreation will conducerorheother, fa that 1t be moderate &fparmg as the ufeofmeat and drinke, not to fpend all their life in gaming,playing, and pafrimes,as too many gentlemen do,but to revive ombodies and Fccrear our fouls with honeft fports:ofwhich as there be divers forts, and peculiar to feveral! callings, ages, fexes, conditions fa there be proper for feverall feafons , and rhofe ofdiil:intl: naturesjtO fir that varietie of humours vvhich is amongfr them,rhat if one vvill nor, another may: fome inSummer,fomein Winter, fomegenrle, fomemore violent fome forthe minde alone, fome for the bodie and minde: (as to fome it i; both bulindfe and a pleafanr recreation to overfee vvorkemen of all forts tobuild,plot,project,.ro make models,caftup accompts, &c. ) fom~ vvirhour, fome vvithin doores: new, old, &c. as the feafon ferverh, and as men are inclined. It is reported of Philippus Bcnus,rhat good Duke of Bur. t Rerum Bur- grmdy ('Oy LodovictMYivesmEpift. andPont. t Heuterin hishifl:orie) that r,und.llb. 4· the [aid Duke, at themarriage of Elionora, fifrer to the king .o£ Portugal! at Bruges in Flandors, vvhich vvas folemnized in the deepeofvvimer; vvhenas by reafon ofunfeafonablevvearher hee conld ne1ther hawke nor hum, andvvas now tired vvith cards, dice, &c.and fuch other domefticall fporrs, or to fee Ladies dance, vvith fame ofhis courtiers, he would in the Eveningvvalke difguifed all abourtheTowne. Itfofonuned, as he vvas vvalking late one night, hee found acoumry fellow dead drunke, fnorting tluffit hominem ona B~lke,.t he caufed his followers to b~ing him to his Palace, and r~ere d<ftrri ad pala- finppmg hun ofhts old clothes, and attmng h1m after the Courr falh10n, ~:;.1r;,:::~ when he wake.d, he and they vvere all ready to attend upon his excellen~y, 7i, &'<. m"ari perfwadmg hun he vvas fame great Duke. The poore fellovv admmng ltomo ubi fe eo hovv he came there, was ferved'in ftate all day long, after fupper hee faw 1 "' w/et. them dance, heard mulick, and the reft ofthofe Court-like pleafures: but late at night, vvhenhevvasvvellripled,andagaine fafiafieepe, rheyput on his old robes, and fo conveyed him to the place vvhere they /ir!l found him. Now the fellow had nor made them fogood fport the day be· fore, as he did vvhen hererurned to himfelfe;·allthejefrvvas, to feeho1v m ~id inter- hem looked upon it. In conclulion after Come little admiration, ~he poore eft, inquit L<>- man told hts fnends heehad feene av1lion, confrant!y beleeved1t, would dovic"'P~~"' not otherwife bee perfwaded,andfothejeftended.n AntiochtN Epiphanes • ~:~:;;,;. B<r. vvouldoften difguife himfelfe, fiealefrom hisCourr,andgoeintoMer. ducem )inter chants, Goldliniths, and other tradefmens lhops, fit and talke vvirh them, :~;..:~':;;,;;, and fometimes. ride, or walke. alon«, and fall aboard vvith any Tinker, annor, nihitpe- Clowne, Servmg man, Carner ' ·or vvhomfoevt:r hee met lirfi. Some- "' '"'· nift times beedid ex inlferato give a poore fellowmoney, ro fee how he vvould ;::.~.lf:~han, lookefil ron fetpurpofe,lofe hispurfeas heewenr,.tovvatch ~vho found pr.efar. Hm· it and vvirballhow heevvould beaffetl:ed, and vv1rh fucb obJeCts hevvas .tori. ~uch'deligbred. Many fuch rrickes areordinarilyput in pratl:ice by~re~t men, ro .exhilarare themfelvesand others, all vvh1ch are harmeleifeJells, and havetheirgood ufes. But