Exer.-ifo retfijied. Mcnlb•4• -;----,-----~ But amongl~ thofeexercifes, or recreations ofthe mindcwithindoot's, 2/) there is none fo generall,fo aptly to be applyed to all forts ofmen,fo lit & --- properto expell Idlenelfe and Melancholy,as that ofStredy:Strediaflnel1r•- te111 obfelJ ant,adolefcentiamagrmt, (icrmd,u ruornant,adverjiJ perfiegiHm & folatir•mpr«kent,douti delelJant,&c. findethe refi in Ttt/lypro .Archl.i Poeta. Whatfo full ofcontent, as to read, walke,and fee Mappes, PiCtures, Statues, Jewels,marbles,which fome fo much magnilie, as thofe that Phidi41 made ofold fo exquifite and plealing to bebeheld,that astChryfoftome t ow.h. fithinketh, if any manbejickly,trbubied i~ n:ind~,or thatcan~ot fieep ~~·;. grtefe, ;i~14 a/fo':~f=~~ andjha!J bretftandover againft one ofPhtdtiU Images, he rvtltforget allcare,or '[.er, nee fi>mrv~at(oe><;er el(e may m,oleft hiiJJ in an injl~n~r ~here bee thole ~s. much taken ~':t;d;;:~:~Z;' with M.chael Angdo s, Raphaelde rrbmo s,f rance(co Francu s puces, and e regioneftanr many ofthofe Itali~n and Dutch painters,which ~ere excellent in thei~ ~- :i~rJ[c~g:~~;. ges;and dteeme of ttas a mofi plealinglighr, to vtew thofe neat Arclme- um poffe, q•• dures, Devices,Scutchions,coats ofarmes,read fuch bookes,co_perufe old huma_n<vi'-• Coynes of feverall forts in a fai_re ~-allery;_artificiall workes, perfpeCl:ive J!c;;:;•.':cfZ;, glalfes,old rehq_ues,Roman Anuqumes,vanery Qfcolours. Agood pilfrure folenr. is falf4verita<, & flJtltapoejiJ:and though (as ° Fives faith) artijcialia dele- 0 l· Veanim•. lfant,(edmoxfa.ftidimm,artiticialltoyespleafe botforatime;yet who is ' he that will not be moved with them for the prefent? When.Achiflu was tormented and fad for the Iolfe of his dear friend Patroclm, his mother Thetis brought him amoll elaborate and curious Bucklermade by V11lcan, · inwhich were engraven Sunne, Moone, Starres, Planets, Sea, Land, men fighting,nmning,riding,women fcolding,hils,dales ,towns,cafiles,brooks, rivers,trees,&c. with many pretty landskips, and perfpdl:ive peeces: with fight ofwhich be was infinitely delighted, andmuch eafedofhis grief. • Continue eoj}elJaculo captm definite m,erore *Iliad. , 9 _ obielJabattlr' in ?nanibtu tenens dei.f}lendida dona. Who will not be affet'ted Coin like cafe,or to feethofe we! furnifhed Cloi. fiersand Galleries ofthe Roman Cardinals, fo richly fiored wirh all moderne PiCl:ures,oldStatues and Antiquities~ CuiJJ (e~-f}ectandbre• erect jimt~l & legendo,to fee their piCl:ures alone and read the defcription, as t Boifordm well addes, whom will it not affect~ which Bozitt<, P•fltponim t Topogt.lVm , L.ttm, Marlianm, Schsttm, Cavelerit~s, Ligoriru, &c. and bee himfelfe P•'-1 • '· hath well performed oflate. Orin fome Princes Cabinets, like that ofthe great Dukes in Ftorenee, ofF• .tix Platcrm in Bajil, or Noblemens boufes, to fee fuch variety of attires,faces,fomany, fo rare, and fuch exquilite pee. ces,ofmen,birds0beafts,&c.to fee thofc excellent landskips,Dutch-works, and curious cuts of Sadlier of Prage, AlbertmDurer, Goltzim,Vrintes,&c. fuch pleafant peeces ofperfpeCl:ive,J nd1an Pilluru made offeathers,ChhM workes,frames, Thaumaturgicallmotions, exoticketoyes, &c. Who is he that is now wholly overcomewith idlenes, orotherwifeinvolved in a Labyrinth ofworldly cares,troubles,and difcontenrs, rhat will not bee much lighrned in his J!linde by reading offome inticing fiory, true or fained, whereas inaglalfe be !hall obfervewhatour fore-fathers havedone,the beginnings,ruines,falls, periods of Common-wealths, privatemensaaions difplayed to the life,&c. t Plutar:h ther#'ore calls them, fecunda<I!Jen(M !,~~~t7:"f & be!Jarta, the fecond courfe and Junkets,becaufe theywere ufually read at filit<. g Nn NGbl~-