Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.1.Secb. Cure ofMelancholy. ~ 7 6 Noblemens FeaO:s. Who is not earnefrly affeC'ced with.apaffionate fpeech, --'-- well penned, an elegant Poem, or fome pleafant bewttchmg difcourfe, which will draw his attentionalong with it~ To moO: kinde of men it is an extraordinary delightto O:udy. For what aworld ofbookes offers it felf in all fubjeC'cs,arts;and fciences,to the fweetcomem and capacity of the R~ader( In Ar it htmtick ,G eome1r1,Perf)e&ive,optick,Aftronomi e, Architellrrre, Sculptura, PiflurJ,of which fomanyand fuch elaborate Treatifcs are of late written, In Mechanicks and their myll:eries, Military 1JJatters, Navigatit Pluvines. 'on,t riding ofhorfes,• fencing,fwimming,gardening,plaming,greattomes ~ Thibault. ofhusbandry,Cookery,Faulconry,Hunting,Fifhing,Fowling,&c.with ex. quilite pictures, ofall fports,games,and what not(ln Mt'.ftck,Metaphyflck,, . .Natural/ and Mor•ll Phtlofophy, Phtlologte, in Policy, Heraldrie, Genealogy, t::,~,"~~'- chronology ,&c.they afford great Tomes,orthofe ll:udies oft Antiquity,&c. foi;v,.d '"dgo & • quidJubttliiM Arithmetiw inventtonibus, quidjucundius MuftcisratioIookebefote. 11ibut,qurddivimus Ajfronomicis ,qr~id re&iu1 Geonietricis demonftrationi. ~~'~;ili.!""· b111(What fo (ure,what fo pleafant(He that lhall but feethat Geometrical! looks cound ,. tower of GAre~nda at Bologne initaly,the O:eeple & clockatStr~t~borr~ugh, !>o•~htm, fe'ft will admire the effdl:s of art, or that )Ongine of vi rchitJJtdeJ to remove the ~.h,:~g:l::m: earth it felf ifhe had but a place to fall:e~ his inO:rument:ArchitlltdesCoclea, plm Hori>on, & raredevifes to corrivatewaters,mulick._inllrumems,& trilillable Eccho'1 ~·~~r~f:."" · again,again,and again repeated, with miri~des offuch. What vall: Tomes · ;tre extant in Law, Phyftck,andDivinity, f\}rprofit,pleafur~, pratl:ice,fpe· culation,in verfeor profe,&c?theirnames alonearethelubjetl: ofwhole vo- · lumes,we have thoufands ofAuthors ofall forts,many great Libraries full well furnifhed,like fo many dilhes ofmeat, ferved out for feverall palates, and he is a very blocke that is affected with none of them. Sometake an in. finite delight, to ll:udy the very languages wherein tbefe books are written, . Hebrew,Greek, Syriacke, Chalde,Ar:.bicke, &c. Me thinks it would well "~onJi~ pleafeany man to look upon a Geographical Map,"foavi animtifJJ deklJati. ~~u~· "'"'one aliicere, ob incredibilem rerum vartelatmt & jucunditatem, & adplenio. rem fui cognitionentexcitare, Chorographicall, Topographicall delineati· ons,to behold as it were, all the remote Provinces, Townes, Cities of th; world,and never to go forth ofthe limits of his ll:udy, to meafure by the ·Scaleand compalfe,their extent, diO:ance, examine their lite. Charles the great asP latina writes, had three faire lilver tables,in one of which fuperfi. cies was alarge map ot Conftantinople , in the fecond Rome neatly enguved, in the third an exq~ilitedefcription ofthewhole world, and muchdelight be tooke in them. What greater pleafurecan there now be, then to view pAtl.u Gecg. thofeelaborate Maps ofOrtelius,rMtrcator, Hondius,&c?To perufethofe books ofCities,put out by 'Braunus, and HDgenbergius? To read thofe ex. quilitedefcriptions of Magimu,Munftcr,Merula, Boterus, Leander Alber. tus ,camden,Leo, Aftr,Adricomius,Nic. Gerbelius,&r~Tho[e famous expeditions ofChrijloph. Coluntbus, Americus P't{jutiiM,MarcSM PoliM the Vene. tian, Lod.Vertomannm, Aloy{iu. cadamujfiM, &c~Thofe accurate diaries of Portr~gals, HoUanders,ofBartifon, Oliver a Nort,&c.Hacluits voyages,ret. Martyr~ Dccades,Benu,Lerius,Linfthotens relations, thofe Hod4poricens oflod.a Meggen,Brocard the Monke,Bredenbachius, Jo. Dttblinius, ,Sands, &c.to ]erufalew,v£gypt,and other remote places of the world ~thofe plea~ fant