Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. ~ · Sett.~. C11re ofMelancholy. Memb. 4 z78 tentthereisinftudy. "King JAM • • x6o5, whenbecameto feeotirUni. ---- ·verfity of oxford, and amongft other .~Edifices, now went to view that fa. uiJ<ta•kW•~· mous Library, renued by S.Thoma< Bodley,in imitation of Alexander,at his mu[~reg-.anres deparr.ure brakeoutmto thatnoblefpeech,Ifl were not a King, I would be x .~' unqu•'"Ji an Umverfity man; x ..find i{tt were (o that I mufthe aPri(oner if! mi•ht :; c~;;y~:;:d~~ have "!Y Ivij/J, I woul~ defire to have no other prifon then that Libr~ry, and to car, Jimib•d•- hechatned togetherwtthfo many good A11thors. So fweet is the delight of :~~;;~~~'~:: ft~dy, the more learnin~ they have (as hee that hath a dropfie,the more he reconclud<, bu drmks thethirftler hee iS) themoretheycovet tO learne,and the laft day is .arenirill•gari, prioru dtji:ipt~ltu;harfh at firft learning is, radices amar-<, butfrtlt"ltu dulces ~7:.:1.:.~~~- according to that of Ifocrates ,pleafanc at laft,the longer they live, the mor; nariurarem • they are enamoured with the Mufes. fleinjiw the keeper of the Library at "l"'· LCiden 10 H oUand, was mewed up mIt all the year long, and that which to thy thinking fhould have bred a loathing, caufed in him a greater liking. yEpifl.Primie- Y I nP[ooner(faith he)comeintothe Ltbrary, but 1 bolt the doore to mee exctu. >o.Plerrm4, in ding /r;jl,ambition,avarice,and all[uch vtces,.vhofc n11r[e is.idlme(fe themo. 5"::n~';'J:::J!~: ther oj1gnorAnce, andMelanchDIJ her (tlfc, andinthcvery lap ofeternity,._ bu>peffulum mongft fo many divine fouls, I takemyjeat,wilh Jo lofty a[firit andfweet abdo,•mbmo- contmt, that 1 pity all our great ones, and rich men that know not thio happi. :;;::::.~::j,~- ne(fe.Iamnotignorantin the meanetime ( notwithftandingthiswhichl oem,erc.mlu- havefaid)howbarbaroufiy and bafely forthe moftpart ourrudergentry ~~::;·~n~~- efteeme ofL.ibraries and books, how they negleCt and contemne fo great a ..,;., •mpernia treafure, fo meflimable a benefit., as lE fops Cocke d1d the Jewell bee found ;•':~~;::,;:,;, inthe dunghill;~ndall through error,ignorance andwantof education.A~d f{.~;o,inrer 'ns awonder Withal! to obferve how much ~hey will vamely caftaway m totilluflm unneceifary expences,quotmodts pereant(fauh•Era(m11s) ntagnattbm pecu. ~~b:%~:::Um ntlf, quantum abfumant aiea,(corta,con;pot~~ionet,profe[ttones no~ nece!fari.e, ingenti 9uidem pon1p<~, beUa qt~£jita, ambttto, colax, morto, ludto, &c. what m hawkes, !"'imo, ur J•b- hounds,law-fuites,vainebuilding,gurmundizing, drinking, fpom,playes, ':,~',.":(f;":::t" paftimes, &c. . If .a well minded man t<? theMufes fhould fueto lome of guiJ~li•i••""' them for an exhibmon, to the farther mamtenance or enlargement offuch ~·~~:t:~~;;. aworke, be it Colledge,L~Cl:ure, Library, or.whatfoever elfe may tend to 1-aJog. •· the advancement ofLearmng, they are fo unwlllmg, fo averfe, they had rather fee thefe which are already, with fuch colt and care ereC<ed,utterly ruined, demolifhed orotherwife employed, forrhey repine many & grudge at fi1chgifts and revenewes fo beftowed; and therefore it were in vaine,as E. rafmw well notes, vel ab his, 'lielA negDtiatDrib~ts qui fe Mam?JJOn£ dedide. r~mt, improb11mforta(fe tale offtciutJ> exigere, to folicite or aske any thingof fuch men that are likely damn'd to riches; to this purpofe.For my p<irt I pity thefe men,jlultos jttbeo ede ltbenter, let them go as they are, in thecacalogue·of IgnoranJIIs. Howmuch on the other fide, are all we bound that arc fcholkrs, to thofeMunificent PtoiDmies, bountiful! Ma:cenates, heroical! IIPlrg."''l.· '· Patrons, divine fpirits, - • qui nobi1 h.ec otiAfecerunt, natmf, erit iU<mihi femper Dcus-thac have provided for us fo many well furnifl1ed Li- !!~'tt~:,oi;. braries as well in our publike Academies in moft Cities, as in our private bmy inoxon. Colledges! How !hall I r.emember t S. Thoma .Bod!ey, am'?ngft the refl, • Omsm * atho Nzchol(on,and the r1ght reverend John WtlltafiJS Lord Bifhop of Ltn- ~;~~ch-.rch &olne (withmany otherpiousaCl:s) who befides that at S.JohnsColledgein · · C ambndgr,