Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part. z.Sect.z. Exerci(c reEiijied. ca~nbridge, that in 'wejlfJtinjler, is now likewifein Fieri with a librarie at '-7 9 Lincolne ( a noble prelidem for all corporate townes and cities to imitate) - o quam te memorem (vir itluftrifsime) qmbus elogiiJ~ But tomy taske again. Whofoever he is therefore that is overrunne with folitarinelfe, or carried away with plealing melancholy and vaine conceits, and for want of imc ployment knowes not how to fpend his time, or crucified with worldly care, I can prefcribe him no betterremedy then this of lludy; to compofe himfelftothelearningoffome artorfcience. Provided alwaycs that his m aladyproceed not from overmuch fludie.,for in fuch cafes he addes fuell to the lire,and nothing can be more pernicious; let him take heed he do not overflretch his wits,and make aS keleton ofhimfelfc; or fuch iriamoratoes as reade nothing but play.bookes, Idle Poems, Jells, Amadis de Gaut, the Knight ofthe Sun,theftaven Champiuns,PAlmermde oliva,Hr<on ofBurdeaux,&c. Such many times prove in the end as mad asDon,Q_uixot. Studie is only prefcribed to thofe that are otherwifeidle,tro ubled in minde ,or carried headlong with vaine thoughts and imaginations , to dilhact their cogitations (although variety oflludy,or fome ferious fubjeCl: would doe the former no hanne) and divert their cominuall meditations anotherway, Nothing in this cafe better then lludy , femper aliquid me11toriter edi(Cant; faithPi.JO,Iet them learn fomething without book,tranfcribe,tranOate,&c. Reactthe Scriptures,which Hyperim tib,r. deqnotid.ftript.lec jo/.77 .holds availeable ofit felfe, 't he mind is ereEied thereby from all worldly cares, and, .Anim"' 1 • hath umch quiet and tranquilitie. For as* Ar1fin.vvell hath it, •tis ftientia rudndeae~~Z. fcientiarum,omni meUe duleior,omni panefuavior,omni vino hilarior:'Tis the mult4<[uiere. bell Nepenthe, fureftcordiall,fweetell alterative,prefem'!l: diverter:For nei- 1<:,,j~~.~~u,_ . ther astChry(ojlome we! adds,thoft boughs& leaves oftrm rvhuh areplajhed • ser. 38. <Id for cattle to jland rtnder,in the heat oftheday,infommer, Jo much refrejh the• {~""' Erem. with their acceptableflJade,fld the reading oftheJcrtpture doth recreate,& com- nitt~~;:.·d;r.:; fort adijlrejfedfoul,inforrowandA(JliBion. Paul bids Pray contim~aUy; quod ne~ arborum cibuuorpori.; lelJio anim£focit, faith Seneca, as meat is to the body,fcrch is ':,.~~!;;,f~"'' readmg to the foul.' To he at lea(urewtthoutbooks 11 another he!!, & to he bu. faff~. meridie riedalive. b Cardancals alibrary the phylic~ ofthefou~; ' DivineaMh•rm !;;.;ff.::~b;. fortifie the mmd, tnake men bold & conjlant; & (as Hypemu adds )godly con. bmter umbram ftrence will not permit themindto be torturedwith abjitrdcogitations. Rhafts ove, ita rejic;. injoynes continu~ll conference tO fuch melancholy men, pcrpctuall dif- ~=:~:: tS:fo'""' courfeoffome htllone, tale, poeme, newes, &c. alternNftrmones edercac alflitl<u angoro bibcre, «quejucundumqrtam cibm,jive potm1v·vhich feeds themindeas meat ••ma. folatu• and drinkedoth the body, and pleafeth as much: And therefore the fa id ~;:::;:{,;, liRhaftsnot without good caufe would have fome body llill talke ferioully, rcru n:ou tfl, ordifpute with them,and fometimesd tocavilandwrangle(fotbat it break;;;;,;~; hominot out to aviolent perturbation )for flech altercation is like jfirriM'D{a dead se'"'· tura, jiretomake it burne afrefh , it whets adull fpirit,andrvi/1 not fo[fertheminde b cap.,g.l. 11 to be drowned in thoft profoundcogitations, which melancholy men are com. ~;.:;;;~';,J. monly trottbledJVith.c Ferdinandand .A.lphonfm kings of Arraqonand Sicily, Junta•imum were both cured b.y readin~ the hill:orie, oneof Curtiru, the ~ther of Liv•, Y, ':"!••· . .I m,..., plUm when no prefcnbed phy tcke would take place. 1 Camerariu; relates as coUcquiumno• . . . ptrmittita11i~ m~m ah{ur~ cogz~atrcne ~orqum. ~ Alterc_at~~nibu1 u!antur , ofU.e non permittunt animum_ {ubmergi prfljun:IU cogit4~ •mb"",JetJ,UJbw ottoft 'Oi.llat f.!J' trijl4tur uuu.e Bodin.pufat.a~ wetb.bifl. fOperum fubctf. &ap. 1 5. . . Nn 3. much