Part.2.SeC:l:.z. Cure of Melancholy. Memb. 4 • 2 8o. . much of Latwence Medices .Heathen Philofophers are fo full ofdivine pre- ---- cepts mthis kmde, that as fome dunk they alone are able to fettle adiftrefg H". fed mind,g Stmt verba& voc~t, quibus bunc !mire dolorem, &c. Epictetus, h Fatendum Flutarcb, and s:neca, qualtt ,{te,qu.e tela,faith,LtpjiM,adverfm Of/In" ani. eft cac~mme . mt ea fits admmijlrat,& tpJam mortem,quonJodo vttta enptt infert virtutcs,. ~!,:;:j.;;;J"- when I readS enecatmc thinkes I am beyondall huuJane fort~nes ,on the top if "Jentor & pro· an billabove u;ortahtu. Flrttarcb faith as much of Homer, for which caufe ~~~;,~.:~ bclike NiccrattU in Xenophon, was made by his parents to conne Homers ""· Iliads and odyffes Without booke, ut tn vtrum bvmemevaderet, as well to make him a good and honeft man, as to avoid idlene!fe.Ifthis comfort may begot by Philolophy,what fi1all be had from Divinirie ~ What lhall duJhn, Cyprial', Gregory,Bemardsdivinemeditationsafford us? - . .fi.!!,i quidJit pt~lchrutJJ, quid turpe, quid utile,quidnm, •lnP[! Fienuu & mclitU Crijippo& Crantore dicunt. numorb~~<am-N h a Ill S . . !'lti Wh' h' l'k A h . "- mi inftriprura ay"':' at lJ ne ~npture lt e e~ . . IC IS 1 ean pot ecanes mop, baber meJ<Ci- wheremare all remedies for all mfirmmes ofmmde, purganves, cordialls nam~a.rum o- alteratives,corroboratives,lenitives,&c.Every difeafe ofthe [otd,faith i du: ~~:g,:,~::;,_ ftm hath a pecu!tar medicine in the Scripture, this onely isrcq ~<ired, that the •if:~ f;,~~nem jick man take thepotim whicb God bath already tempered. k Gregory calls it ~tmperavir. agta(ftwheretn weemayfoeallour tnftr?Mzttes, zgmtum colloquium, Bfalm. klnmoral.JPe- II 8. 140 . 1 origen a Charme. And therefore Hierome prefcribes Ru)licm ;:::~;~:f,!, the Monke, m continually to read the Scripture~ andto meditate on that which !Hom.,,.u, he hath readc. for"' maft~eatton t5 to meat, fou medtt4tton on that wh~ehwee incanr~tione read, I would forthefecaules wifi1 him that is melancholy, to ufeboth hu- ~~'t,!J:.~:~ur, mane and divine authours, volumarily to impofe fome taske upon himfelf, malum. todiverthismdancholythoughts: Toftudie the art ofmemory, Co{ntm . 7;:;~~~o~e~. Ro((eluu, Pet .. Ravenna-s ·' Scenkelitu detec1us, &c: d~at will_as~e agreat- "' animam fa- deale ofattennon:or let lum demonftrate a propolinonm Eucltde mhis live "' fi"P'"" [aft bookcs, extract a fquare root,or ftudie digebra: Then which as *eta. ~!~"" '""- . vius holds, in aUhuutane difi:t.plinesnothing can be m~re excellent ~nd pleaMaf/icar ••••- font, (o abftm(e andrecondite,fo bewttchtng, fo I!Jtraculom, Jo. ravijhmg, fo ':.~J;,,~:.tum eajie wttha/1and Jittl ofdelight, omnenJ humamtm captum fi•perare _videtur. • Ad >.kftnit. By th1smeanes you may define ex ungue leonem, as thed!Verbe 1s, by his alem.l•dif- thumb alone the bignelfe ofHercules, orthetrue dimcnlionsofthegreat ~£'~?;;1~;;~- t Colo(ftU,Solomon1 temple,& Domit1anJ. Amphitheater out ofalittle part. flantiw reperi- By tillS an you may contemplate the vananon ofthe 2 3letters,wh1ch may ;;;~t;'PC;;:.; be foinfinitely varied,.rhat the words complicated and deduced thence will , •.,,,;•., tf>t becomamed wnlun the compalfe ofthe firmament, ten words may be eruir tam ab- varied 40 3 2 o feverall wayes:by this art you may examine how many men ~;."t:.~;;; may {\and one by another in the wholefuperficies ofthe earth, fome [ay nibilomin"'Ja- 1484568oooooooo afttgnando (ingulu pa{fom quadratum, bow many •ilitilte & • .•- men, fuppoling. all the world as habitable as France, as fruitful! and fo ~·~~d~;~~: long lived may be born in 6oooo yem,andfo may you demonftratewith t.Uned • . Archimedes how many Sands thema!feofthewholeworldmightcon· :._~:;~~~ taine ifall fandie, ifyou did but firft kno~ how much afmall cube as big~e bra{fe. as aMuftard-feed m1ghthold, With infimtefuch. But mall naturewhat iS * Viu cta~i- there fo fiupend as to examine and calculate the motion ofthe planets,their ~;~b;(,~: Je magnitudes,apogeums,pcrigeums,excentricities, how: farre diftant frohrn t e