Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.z.Setl:.z. ExtrcijertEftjid. z8I rheearth,the bi<>ndfe, thickneffe, compaffe ofrhe Firmament,each lbtre; with theirdiam~tersand circumtcrcnce, apparent area,fitperjicia,by rhofe curious helps of glaffes,a~rolabes ,fe:'tanrs,_quadrants,of ~hich Tych•Br4- t 'mflanti-. he in his mechanicks, opncks ( t dJVme op~1cks) Anthmetick, Ge~metry, :;:z;~;~~7and fuch like arts & inltrumenrs.What fo Intncate and plealing,wuhall as ""· U to perufeand pratl:ife !I eron Alexandrinm vvorks , de f}:ritalibM ,dtmachinis bellicis de vtachina ft vtovente,]ordani N tmorarii de pondeributpropojit. 1 ~.that pl~afam tratl: of MachovJCtes Bragdedinus dejiperjici_erum diviftoni· btu, Apo!lonim Conicks, or Contmand~m<S labours m thar klnde, de centro gravttatis,with many fuch ~eomemca~l Theorems,and Problems.Thofe rare in!lrumenrs and mechamcall mvenuons of]ac.Bejfonm,and Cardan to this purpole, with many fuch expe;imems intimated long fin~e by Roger Baconinh1s fratl:det Secretts art>S(J' natur«, as tomakeachanotto move 1 c & fine animali,diving boats,to walk on the water by art and ro flie in the aire, •P4 • 1 ' to makefeveral cranes & pullies, quibm homo trahat ad Je mi!le hovtinu, lift up and removegrear weights, Milsro move themfelves, Archita'J Dove, Albertlll Brafen head,and fuch Thaumaturgicall workes.Butefpecially to doe !I range miracles by gla!les, of which Proclus and Bacon vvrit ofold, burning glaffes,multiplying glaffes, per~petl:ives,llt unu. komoappareat exercitlll, to fee afarre off, to reprefent fohd bod1es, byCylmders and Con' caves,to walke iq the aire,ut veraciter videant (faithBacon)aurum&argen. tum& quicquidaliudvolunt ,& quumveniant adlocum viftonis,nihil inve. niant, vvhichglaffes are much perfetl:ed of !are by Baptijla Porta and GaliJeu.r, and much moreis promi[ed by MaginuJ and M idorgit~~ ,to beeperformed in this kinde. Otocotifliconsfomelpeak ofto intend hearing as the other doe fight; Marccllm Vrencken an Hollender in his epifileto Burgravim, makes mention ofafriend ofhis that is about an in!humem , quo videbit tJ"" in alteroHorizontc jint.Bur our Alcumifisme thinks,and Rofie-Crolfe men afford mo!l rari etics,& are fuller ofexperimenrs:they can p1ake gold; feparate and alter metals, extrac:toyls, falts,lees,anddoemore!lrangc workes then Geber, Lullim, Bacon, or any ofrhofe Ancients. Cro/lit~~ bath made after his ma!ler Paracel(m,auruv;julminans,or aurum v .olatilr, which fuaU imitate thunder and lighrning,and crack lowderrhen any gunpowder, . i:ornelit~~ Dribtea perperuall motion, inextinguible lights, ltnum nonardtn.r, withmanyfuchfears, fee his bookedenatt~ra elenJentorum, befides hail, wind, fnow, thunder, lighrning,&c. tho(e !lrange fire· works,devililh pettardsand fuch like warlike machinations derived hence; ofwhi£h reade Tartaleaandothers.ErnefttU Burgravim a di(ciple of Paracelfus bath publi!hed adifcourfe,in whichhe fpecifies a lampe to beemade ofmans bloud L11cerna vile c!r vtortu index, [o he termesit, which Chimically prepared 4o.dayes and afterward kept in a glaife, !hall !hew all theaccidentsofthis life, ft lamp tU hie clarlll, ttmc homo hilaru c!r JantU corpore & animo, ft nebt~. loft« & depre[fos m~le .afficitur,& fieproftatu hominio variatur, undefomptlls fmgt~u, and wh1ch 1S moll: wonderfull, it dies with the party cumhomi· ne perit<& evanefeit ,the lamp and the man whence the bloud wa~ taken,are extmgUJ!hed together. The fame Author bathanother Tra[t of Muvtia(all out as vaine and prodigious as the firfi )by which hee will cure mo!l difeafes,and transferr~ them from aman to a beafr, by drawing bloudfrom one, and