Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Part.~.Seet.z~ Cure of Melancholy. Memb. 4 . ---~---~ '- 8 2 and applying it to the other,vel in plantam dirivare , and an Aiexipharma. --.--cum, of Which Roger Bacon ofold in his Trac1 deretardanda fenectute, to make a mat! young againe, live three or foure hundred years. Belides Pa. naGeas,Martiall Amulets,unguentrmi arf!tarium,bal[omes ,lhange extracts, elixars,and fuch like inagico-magneticall cures. Nowwhat fo pleafing can there be as the fpeculation oftheH: things, to reade and examine fuch expe. t::'J::~~~~o riments, or ifa man bemoremathematically given, to calculate, or perufe , 6 , 0 • . Napim L~gMithmes, orthofetables ofartificiall t Sinu and Tangents,not *Late Aftro- long fince fet out by mine old Collegiate,good ftiend,andlate fellow-Stu• ~m~tea~r 1~' dent of r::hrift-church inOxjorti,*M.Edmund Grmter, which will petforme Jed;e, •m 0 that by addition and fubtraCl:ion onely,which heretofore Regiomontan~e t Printed at Tables did bymUltiplication and divilion, or thofe elaborate conclufions ~;,t:,:rJone; ofhis t setto~,fjyd~,,t and Croffeft•lft-pr let him that is melancholy cal- •6•1· culateSphencall Tnang~es,cafta Nanvltle,which howfoever fometaxe,t ~~;:["'·Meth. lay with* r:J arr><ut 1 dabimu:s hocpetulMtibm ingenti>, we will in fome cafes allow:or le't hun make an Ephemmdes, reade Sui{/ttthe Calculators works, Scaiiger dermendativnetemporutn,and Petavtns his adverfary,till heundetftand them, perufefubtile Scot~~< and Zuarez Mctaphylicks, or ftboo!Diviility, oc,~Jm, ThomitJ, Efltisberw, Durand,&c. Ifthcifeother do not af. fed hiin, hemay apply hi~ mindeHay to Eleraldry, Antiqt~ity, invent I m. pte!f~s, Emblemes; make Epithatamit~ms ,Epitaphs, Elegier,Epigrams,Ft~­ li1fdrcita EPizam'in~ta, Anagrams, Chronogramt,. :Acrojftcks, upon_ his n Tot tibi runt friends names; or write a Comment upon ./ElmL.tlMCriJPzs,as many Idle """ oirgo, fellows ha vi: allayed; and rather then do nothing,vary an verfe a thoufand f"" (jder• waies with Plitlan, fo torturing his wits, or as Rainner~~< of Lrmeburge, ~·;~pie cbri- * z 15 o thne~ inhis Frotc!M poetic~~<, or S<aliger,chryfolithu:s,Cleppijittt,and fl• urbi bo,. others havemlike fort done.Iffuch voluntary tasks, pleafure and delight, !:}:~tempore o~trabbedn~ife o~th~fe ftudies,wil not yet divert tl~eit idle thoughts,and alienate their Imagmanons, they muft bee C~!llpelled, h11th c_hrijlopborm 4 rega,<ogidebmt,f.5 .c.14.uponfome mulet,Ifthey performeit not,quod •~ officio incuntbat, loife ofcredit ordifgrace, fuch as areout publike Univer• llty el'etcifes. For, as he that plaies for nothing, will not heed his game;no more will voluntary imployment fo throughly affect a Student,el'cept hee be.very inteiu of hitnrelfe, and take an extraordinary delight in the ftudy, abbllt which bee is converfant. It lhould bee of that nature his bufinefle, which volens no/em hemull neceifarily undergoe, and without great lolfe, mullft, lhame, or hindcrance he i:nay not omit. Now for women,in fte.ad oflabtJtious ftudies,they have turious,needlewotkes,Cut-workes;fpifining, bone-late, and many prettie devifes oftheir owne making, to ad<>rne their houfes, Culhions ,Carpets,Chaires,Stooles, (~r JbteatUnot thebteadofidlirnelfe,Frov.3i· z7. qu><Jivit lanam &linum) conftaions, conferves, dillillations,&c. which they !hew to ftrangers, t cb<lont"" t IpfaGOiiJes puft(~ opetir venientibiM 11ltrb l.ib.9.de Rep. Hojfittbus monftrnre (olet, non ftgniter !JorM A"f.1 • 'Contif/atafuM,jednetjibi deperiilfe. · • Hortw coro- Which to her guefts !he !bewes,with all her pelfe, nari"'•.medic"' Thus far my maides,b!lt this I did my felf. & '" 1"'4 "'"• This they have to bufie themfelves about,houlhold offices,&c. • neategar- ~ ·~