Parr.z.Sect.z. Waking and dreams m1ified. Mcmb.5. dens full ofexotick,verlicolour, diverfly varied,(weet fmelling flowers,and 2 8 3 Jllams in all kinds, which they are moll: ambmous to get , cunous to pre- ---· ferve and keep, proud to pofldfe, and much many. umes bragge of. Their merry meetings & frequent v1litauons, mutuall lfiVltauonsmgoodtowns, I voluntarily omit, which arefomuchm ufc, gollippmg among the meaner fort,&c . old folkes have their beads; an excellent invention to keepe them from idlenelfe,that are by naturemelancholy, and pall: all alfa1res,to fay fo many Paternofters,Avemaries,Creedes ,ifit were not prophane imd fuperfritious. In aword, body andmmdemull:beexerclfed, not one, bur both, and that in amediocrity: othcrwifeit will caufe agreat inconvenience. If the bodybeovertyred,it tyrestheminde. Theminde opprelfeththe body, as . with frudenrsit oftenrime~ falls out, who (as 0 Plutarch obferves) have no o Tom!ukf... care ofthe body, but compel! that which is mortal/, to do M m11cha< that niu.,nJ. ~· which is immortalt: that rvhichis earthly, M thatrvhich is etherial!, Bt<t a the ;~~=~::!:: Oxetyred,told theCatmll, (both (erving onemajler)that refi.Jedto carry (ome (edcogunr morpart of his bu1 dew, before it were long, heejhould be contpeUed to carry aU his ;::f,7,;~;;;;,. packe, 4ndskinnetoboot (rvhichby and by,the Oxe being deadfell eut)tbe6ody ~there~ ~qua-. may fay to thefosl, that wtllgive htmno refPit or remtfion: ~little after, an f':J.'J,'I::.~~~ agtte, Vertigo,Confot!tptton,feifeth onthemboth, all his jft;dy is omitted, and teruruut eathey m11jf becompdledto beftck together: He that tenders his own good elbte, melou[u ~••it, and health, mi1ll: let themdrawwith equal! yoke, both alike, P that fo they j~;~;~,~::.wm mayhapptl] enJ•Y thetr •••fhed health, eiJem["~irenrdommo& parte oneriJ levare ilium camel® recufojf'et, paulo P.oft & ipfia1 cutem, & totum on10 co;..~ret,_ur gepar~ (1,uod ~ortuo bO't!e impletftm}lta animo quo~ conringir,dum defangato corp()ti1 (!re. p Ut pulc!Jram i/krn ($ arn~llilem fomt4lf11J_ pr.ejlemut. ' Ms M •· 5· Waking andterrible dnams retlijed, S waking that huns,by all means mufl be avoided,fo fleep which fo much helps,by likewaies, q mujf bepro<Nred,hy nature or art,in. q.lnterJicenJ• . IV4rd or outwardmediCtnes,andto be protralledlonger then ordina- ~'£.11:~/.;,f;;, ry, ifitmay be,a.< beinganefpeciaU help.Ir.moyll:ens and fattens the concili•nJi.At. body ,concotts,and helps dige!lion(as we fee in Dormice, and thofe A!pine ""'"'"' "P· 7. Mice. that fleep all Winter)which Gef!'erfpeaks of, when they arefo found :/.7::::/:!J..i, fleepmg under thefnowmthe dead ot Wmter, as fat as butter. It expells quo~i(modo cares,pacifics the minde, refreflJeth theweary limbesafter long work, ~ifc'" .. d"' r S OfltTJe quies rerttm ~pl acitlifimefomne deorum, .r a~·M. Pax ani?JJi, qteemmrafugit, qui corpora duris F e(fa minijlcriis mulces reparafq; labori. · Sleep rell: of things, 0 p!ealing Deity, Peace ofthe Sou!, whichcaresdoficrucilie, Weary bodies refrelh and mollifie. The chiefefr thing inall Phyfick* ParacelftH calls it, omnia arcana gemmarumfoperans & metaUo. *InHippoc. mm. Thefittell: timeis ~'twoor three hottres after [upper, when .uthe meat is fl:;;;~~n(.u . lib.2Juabu-saui tri~~ bori: P"/! c~tnam, f.Uu'?' jam ci.bttsadfunJum ventriculi re(rd!rit,primum foptr lattredtxtrof.uie('entium, quod in tall Je,ubuu JUUr /ub ventrt,ulo quuft~t • 11on gravans fed ci6um calfaciens1 jftinde qc it,1Jis lebetem i;Ui iPi llfJm(YIJt~ tur,poji primumfomnunuz.uieftendum lame finijlro,(g'c. ~ Oo no~