D • M o c R 1 l' u • to the Ji.eader. gf all rhi~ but that they l<n~w not themfelves. Somedelight to defiroyl ; "Diruir, •dift- 'oneto bmld,anotherto fpo1le on~ countrey to enrich another and him- ,.,,,..,., q••- felf. kIn all.thefechmgs they are hke.children,inwhom is no judgement '"'~ '"""'"'· or councell, and rcfemble beafis, favmg that beaft:tare better than they, ?;';1fi~~!;;j~- as bein·g contented with nature .I When /hail you fee a Lion bide-gold in per 'Danubium, theground,or aBul contend for abetter pallurc~ When aBoar is chirfiy, !"~m~:::!: he drinks what willferve him!and no more! and when ~is belly isfull,he frarim km•li- ceafeth to eate: But men are Immoderate mboth; as m.lufi, they covet ::"'· 4 'J. carnall copulationat fet times;men alwaies,ruil]ating tiJ.~reby the health ., ~nf!~;;;: of their bodies. And doth it not deferve laughter, to fee an amorous fool • Jijfcrunr, qui- torment himfelfforawench;weep,howl for amif-lhap-en flur,a dowdie, J;'' ~·fi~,t; ... fomerimes chat might have his choice·of the finefi bt:~uties ~ Is rhere ,;;/!: itttft, any remedy for this inlhyfick! I doe anatomize and c}!t up thefe poor %~;<,;::,{'/! beatls, 111 to fee chefe ifiempers, ~anities, ~nd follies, yet lirch pro~fe lupeefl. were bettermade on mans ~od;e, ~~my kinde nature would endurem iJdem.Piut: "Who from the hour of hiS birth ISmOfi m1ferable,weakeand fickly; m ~:;,·{;(.'' when he fttcks he is guided by others, when he is growa great,pradifeth ;~~'"" ;...,. unhappinetfe, o and is fiurdie,and when old,a ~hilde again,and repenrech mall• ($' ["'' him of his life pafi. And here being interrupted by onechat brought ;:;~.~:J;~~n- bool<es, he fell to it againe, that all were mad, careletfe, fiupid. To 1Jefligandum proove my former fpe~ches, lopke into c011rts, or private houfes. 1;!;,., anari- P Judges give judgement. according to their owne advan~agc, doing viraremorl"' marufefi wrong to poorcmaocents,to pleafeothers. Notanes alterfen- •ft· . tences, and for money lofetheir Deeds. Somemakefalfe meneys, o- ~~:;~~~~~~ the~s counterfeit falfe weights. Some abufe their pa!ents, yea.corrupt kcr~fcitinfa- thmownefifiers, ochersmakelonglibels andpafquils, defammg men ';'~;;·1 ad .ofgood life,and extollfuch as arelewd and vicious.Some rob one,fome '!Do,..;::.~; another; q Magifirates make.laws againfi theeves, and ~re the veri~ll: fi"'' "'"''"" theeves themfelves. Some!.ill themfelves, others defpa~re,not obtam1;}!,:.,"'"'• ing theirdefires. Some dance,fing, laugh, feafi and banquet, whileft oqTu pefsim"' thersfigh; languith, moume and lament, havingneither meat, drinke, •m"'runu"'':t nor clothes. ' Some pranl<e up their bodies, and have their mindes . :i.l~'t,~:..J" full of execrable vices. Some trot about r to beare falfe wicnetfe, and incurri,.. f~yany.thingformoney;andthoughJudgesknow of it, yet for ;bribe f.Z~!:~": •. theywinke atit,and fuffer falfe Concradsto prevaile againfiEquitie. '"' 'P''"'"'· Women are all day a dreffing to pleafure other men abroad, and goe C>P'f""· like flues at home, not caring to pleafe their owne husbands whom they :~~:::.::.f,..lhould, Seeingmen are fo fickle, fo fottilh, ~o internper~te, why lhould onimi !nc111ia. not llaugh atthofe,towhom' folly feemes wifedome,willnot becured, f;;',;.~~:t:!;, and perceive it not~ . •ft,•i>tduo . . ltgrewlate,Hipp11CrAtes left him, and no fooner was he comeaway; ""b•fi~emen- but all the Citizens cameabout flocking, to knowhowheeliked him. ::::1:1; Hee told;~~em in briefe, that notwithfianding thofc fmall neglects !"'"':'Vi' r... ofhis accire,l!~pie, diet," the world had not a wifer,amore learned, ~:::/~,:,;;::a more honefi m~ & theyweremuch deceived to fay that hewas mad. remtlice»tlam . itwittntur, pejaare tamennondubitant, uttx ltctm ttpibus 11ix UINM 'tltnlln Jie&t. Cal'fl. i•. 8.]~. ~'!m.r~ , t SapientitZw in(aniam tjfi Jicunr. u Sit.uiJrm fapimlttt {IIC fl»irqtiiiC •t 'wnplf'Vit, o§in~ fop111fll{ti111f1Ja ~irom, :t•i f•''ll'' f'"/1 •mllft ~llfli~rt •!Ill'·"! · · · · · · thu~