Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

z8 D • .. o c R r 'tu s to the Reader, Afatyricall Roma11e in his time, thought all vice, folly, andmadndfc wereall at full fea, bJ•••n. b Omnein pr.tcipitivitiumftetit.- ~sV..'.':~J~· ". Jofl.Ph114 the hiftorian taxeth ~is Counrrey-men Jews for braggingof ~uirater ••ftr.e thetr vtces, pubhflung thetr folltcs, and that they <hd contend amongll: '""'i?emz.... themfelves,who f!1ould be moft notorious in villar.ies;but we!low high- {.,~~~~:~::. er inmadneffe,far beyond them, · · menh:Jbetit cMox daturi prDgenitmvitiojiorem~ 9"/;P'.i" fir. and thelatter end (you know whofe oracleit is) is like to beworft. 'Tis c "· not to be denied, the world alters every day, Rutmt urbes, regn11 transfedLib.s.Epift,8 runtur,&c.vAYiaptur habitm,leges innovantur,as dPetrArth obferves,we change language, habits, laws, cuHomes, manners, but not vices, not difeafes, not the fymptomes of folly and madoelfe, they are frill the fame. And as aRiver, we fee, ,keeps thelike name and place, but not wa. ter,and yet ever runs, · ~ Hor. * Labitur & labetur in omne volubili5 .evum; auperftirioejt Out' times and perfons alter, vices are the fame, and ever will be; lookc: }'{,";': Z/1"· how Nightingals fang of old,Cocks crowed, Kine lowed,Shcep bleatBrig: · · • ed, Sparrowes chirped, Dogee< horked. fo rhey doe llill; we keepe our *Lucau. madndfefrill, playthefoolsfrill, vec dum jinilmOrejles, weareofthe f/~~'h1:f~ fame humors and inclinations as our pre,deceffors were, you ilia!! find I!S J'J'"'" going all alike, much at one, we and our fons, · bm-foot o"r Et tldli natorum, & quina{etenfur a!J ifli5, . ~::.,1r/o And fo thall our poll:eritie continue to the !aft. But to fpeake of times .h Si cui intueri prefent. ~:::~~'fof,";: If Democritrtn':ere alive now, and thould but. fee the fuperfrition of flitiofi, inveni- our age,our c rel!gtous madneffe,as 1 Meteran cals u,Relzgso(aminfoniam, ~:::;;::~%~'4 [o many l'r?feffea Chriltians, yet _fo .few imitators oU:.6rift, fo much fudigua liherit, talk ofrehgwn,fo much fctence,(o lmle confne~ce,fo much knowledge, '""' diflimilia fo many preachers,fa little prachce; fuch vanene of feets, fuch have and t:;;;::;';;::;:_ hold of alilide~, .~ * obvta jign.u signa, &c. . '"'f""" w,fi fuca abfurd and ndtculeus tradmons and ceremorues:If he thould meet ~um p4uciori~ a g Capuchint,a.. Francifcan, a Pharejaicai!Je(uitr, aman·ferpent, aihave- ~!;~"eur. crowned Monke in his robes, abegging Fri~r, or fee their thrcc-crowried i ~id dicam Soveraiarte Lord the Pope, poore Pet err fuccelfor ,fervm fervomm Dei, deeor•m,;,;:•r- to depoll; Kings with his foot, to tread O!l Emperors necks, make them ~~:'~or;,:(.: frand bare-foot and bJre-legg'd at his gates, hold his bridle and frirrup, t~riouibur,jeju- &c.(O that Peter and Paul were alive to fee this! )If he lhould obfervea (,~',;~~~:;;;::. h Princecreep[? devoutly to kiffe_his toe, and t~ofe Red-cap Cardinals, ''f."''u,camile· poor Panili-pnefts ofold,nowPrmces compamons;what would he fay~ ~~~;:~f:,~;,, Ca:!um ipfum petitttrftultitia. Had bee met fame ofour devout pilgrims ini(tit,purga· going bare-foot to J<rufalem,our lady of Lauretto,Rome,S•.Jago,S•.Tho-. ~~~!'.:;'/.'Z;;: m~tt shrine, to creep tothofe COUI)terfcit and Maggot-eatenReliques.' lu,luftralib.. Had he been prefentat aMa 'le,and feen fuch ktlling of P~xcs,c.ructfixes, aquu,r~filril, cringes, duckings, their feverall attires and ccremomes, p1ctures of ::;;~:':.:lici- faints, i indulgences, pardons, vigils, falling, feafrs, crolling, knock-. &.,,.,.~;;,,, 7114PP"•"''"·'""'iirdu, i~K!IIItllilo•iit(o,exwfijbJiiJiutu,leg'll!lil,a<<,ll•l"" iletfli411.018.l'•nt;,JY , 1..,.