Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

whenthefaidfolymaw greatT~~rke belegred rienn<~,they lay !~vel! with the tcip of the wals. This they make a fport of, and w1ll doe lt te their friends and confederates.,agamfi oaths,vowes, promifes,by trechene or , 'Dol"' • i otherwife. -• dolU< "» virtus ~ quu m hoftc reqt~rraU . . ,;,.,, ;,J.'JJ:,i. leagues and Jaws of arms ( fjilent leges mter arma) for the1r advantage, proptia bdioDmnia jura,d•vma,humana, proculcata plemmq11ejimt; Gods and mens";"' ••g;ott• Jaws are trampled under foot,the [word alone determines all, to fatislie r:f:~: their lull and fpleene,they carenot what they attempt,fay,or doe,- .. g Rara fides, probitafque virii qui caftrafequuntur, . ~~:,~;·in fi.. Nothinafocommonastohavehfatherjight agamjfthe (onne,brother a. liu~, a.'ftnisin g•injl b:Other, kinfma~tagainjl kinfma/1, kivgdome ag~i!1jl kingdome, pro. ~f·:~7;.":,""' vmce agamft provmce, chrijftans "Z"tnft chriftram: aqutbas ncctmquam &c Reg;I.. um cogitatiom fi•mmt _l.tji~ of whom they never had offence m th~ugh~, ~:g~;;;;,~"'/:. ,word or deed. Inlimte treafuresconfumed, towns burned, flounlhmg Cl- P~putus popol• ties facked and.rumated,qt~odq"t 11mmtU memtm{fohorret, goodly coun- inmuruam pertries depopulated and left defolate, old inhabitants expelled, trade and nicie~/'/l'flarraffickdecayed,maids defloured; Virgines nond11m t halamiljllgat", ;~.:,:,n~;· ,;::.· Et comis no11dumpojitil eph.cbi;chaft matrons cry out with Andro1t>Ache, wium... ~ ConcubitHm mox cogarpati ejm? qui intere.11# ll cllorem, ~hey lhall be ~};;,~an"<~<­ compelled peradventure to lie With them that crft killed thm hu,bands: i Ira enim & to fee rich, poore, fick,fou!'-d ,Lords, fervants;. eodem om11es i~tcom~odo J:,~ful~:,~~~ maflt, confumed all or maimed, &c. Et qutcqHtdgaudens fee/ere ammm &c. demen;tt Attdet ,& perverjit mens, faith CypriAn, andwhatfoever torment,miferie, foeetJotts font, _mifchief;hell it [elf, the div~Jl,i furie ~nd_ rage can invent to their own ru. ~.~://,":;. q":Jfi me and deftruchon;fo abom1nablethmg 1S k war; as Gtrbeltm concludes, omnia flelei• <~deo f!Eda & abominanda res eft bellum,ex quohomimnn CA des ,vaftationes, {"'" immijf... &c. the fcourgeof God,caufe,effett,fruitand punilhitrencof finne.Had ,f::'/:;::::,."- Democritus been prefent at thelate civil! warres in France, thofe abomi- milk< "' ' '-· nablewars,-be/laque matribus deteftattt, •unr,EecleJiar;; lWhertinle{fothen tmyears, ten hundred thoufimd men wtrt con(umed, ;:,:;:~~f:!;,:· · faith Co!lignitU, zo. thoufand Churches overthrown; nay, the whole cifo. . ... kingdome fubverted (as m RichArd Dinothaddes. )So many myriades of mff~' t'v/'• the Commons were butchered up,wi.th fword,faminc, warre,tanto odio ~~i ·b;u:';.· tttrinquc lltbarbari ad abhorrendamla~tit!1am ohftupefcertnt,with fuch Fe- «Jib,..omni• rall hatred, the world was amazed at it: or at our late Pharfolian fields ~!~!:-:'rn":;i~/: in the time of Henry the fixt, betwixt the houfes of LancAfttr and r orkc, fimuor:,;f•nhan hundred thoufandmen !lain,~ one writes, n another, t_en thoufand fa- ~;::;;.~;~~~;. rnthes were rooted out, that no man c11n butmarve/1, fauh Commem, at bu tor "9''i"'" thatbarb~rotuimma~titie, feral~ madm!Je., commi~ted betwixt men ofthe!fj,:'~iJ,~:,;{,~: fit me natto~t,language a~dreltgton. o fl!!u jitrorO ctvts l Why do the Gen. rerjCTierun._ ttles fo jumujly rage,fa1th the Prophet David;Ffo.z.t.But wemay aske, ¥ Pon~.Hurma why doe the Chriftiansfofurioufiy rage~ , :;.<;;;;':,"';;!~ * '-1rmavolunt, quare po(cunt,rttpiuntque ju'tlt11tus l . , crerur & ••- Unlit forGenules,niuch lefs fer us fo to tyrannize as theSpa~tiardin the mmru• ""' '· W fi] d . h k'l.led · · ' · 1"atem, &' ,e n ItS! t at 1 uptn4·lyears (lfwemaybeleeve p BartholOII14- ba>haram info- "' a Ca(a the1: own bilhop )n millions ofmen, withfiupcnd &exquifite •iom, qu<inrlr aerments; netther lhould I lye (faid he) ifl faid 5o millions.! omit thofe y.;;:~: ;::,:~ 'JiflJtPJ lmgu~,(4nguipU}religiqniftxer,eilit~r. oz.u,~n. ~ Yirg. p B.i.!bop of cuftG an ey~witnc:lk . Frmcb