DE ><·O c ax Y us 16 the Be11der. , ttd M•tt: French Ma!facres~Sicilian Evenfongs,qthe Duke of A lv11s tyrannies,our 1 ··~:1£ ~~!";,,gunpowder machinanons,and that fourth fury,as ·~ne cals lt,the s p•niflr. rH.. jiKJ A•· inquifinon,which qwte obfcures thofe ten perfeCUtiOnS, flriaco. -l f,evit totq MArs 1mpi1H orbe,. ~·~ :7;~j.~:'::~· Is not this • Mund"' furio(HD ,a mad world,as he terms it,infonum ~eUuml, ·Gallobelgic"' ar~ nor the[e mad men,as * S calsger concludes,qus tn Jr~tlso acerba morte, J 19 6·M".;-."""' infani.e fu.e memoriampro perpttuo tefte relinquunt po{teritllti;which leave ;,;:'{'",;,;.• m· [o frequent battles, as perpetuall memorials oftheir madne!le to allfuc- ,. Exmitat. ceedingages ~ Would this, think you, have enforced our Democritm to ~~{.;;~~~~- laughrer, or rather made him turne his rune,:tlter his tone,and wccpwitlt .w.. an riJ<at u Ji eraclitU!, or rather howle, x roare, and teare his haire in c<immiferati. 7l~m'"i'"'· on, fiand amazed; or as the Poets feigne,that Niobe was for grief quite :,,::;.~}~ fiupified and turned to a fione~ I have not yet faid the worlt,That which gentes flupent. is moreabfurd and Ymad,In their tumults,feditions,civil and unjufi wars, :.pi:,":;;;(.~" •quodftulte fr{c jpitur, impiegrritur, mi(ere finitur, fuchlwars I me~11e, wlonisinar· for all are not ro becoademned, as thofe phantafilcall.dnab"psijh vamly '"~ conceive. Our Chrillian Tachcks are all. out as necc!farie as the Rom•n ~ ;;[Z":;•••. .Acies, or Grecian Phalanx; to be a fouldier is amoft noble and honouraomne~ u.rban• ble profellion (as the world is) nor to be fpared, they are our bell wals ~:~,:::::1,~- and bulwarks,and I do rherefore acknowledge that of~ Tnlly to be m oil: .,.fi, lam rr true, All our civi /! ajfttsres, all ourJludw ,all ottr pleading, indujlrie and ~:7:f,;~ ~et commlnda_tion, !yes ~m_ der the proteifion of warlikcvert#es, andwhenfoe~ pr<fdio belli« ver there s; any J ufiscson of tumult, all our arts ceafe; warres aremofi be. '~~'""'"' e> Ji· hoovefull,& bellatcrcs agricoli; ctvttati font utiltores,as*Tyrim defends: =~~=:~fi;J;i. &valour is much tobecom.mended in a wife man,but they mifi'ake moll: tiorumu_ltw, part, auferre, tructdAre, rapere, foljis 1JOmtmbU& vtrtuttm vucant, &c. ' ;:;•,;!;;~"{." ('_Twas Galgacus obfervation in Tacstus)they termethefr,murder, &ra. '"''· pme, vertue, by awrong name,rapes,llaughters, ma!facres, &c. JO<us & * Ser·'l: . ludus ,are pretty pallimes,as Ludovims VivtS notes.' They comm•nly call ~;,"j.:;;j,;: the mojl hair-brain blood-fuckers,Jlrongeft theeves,the mojl: defp<rate vi/. mo.fiuel~t~o· lains ,treacherotu rogues 1tnhumane murderers,rlljb,crttel and dilfolute cai- "es,f~rti[stmor tifft ,courAgious and gt..nerous JPirits,heroica/L anti rvorthy Captains ,bhr~tv~ :;:;!,"JJ':J,i. mmat armes, valiant<tnd rcnowmd foutdiers, pojfeffid with a brute per-. "'"'"'" h>- fwaftonoffolfl honottr, as Pontus Huter, in his Burgundian hifiorie corn. ;:;(.,;;:,:: Jo. plains. By means of which it comes to paffe that daily fo many volunra.' nati. ries offer themfdves,leaving their [ weet wives, children, friends, for fix hEo~an~ HeJ-_ pence(ifthey can getit)a day, proftirute theirlives and limbs, defire to {~·~~,:;,·~-enter upon breaches,lye G~ntindl,perdue, give the firfi onfet, fiand in the raplacct, mm forefront of the battell, marching bravely on with a cheerfull noife of '::;1:,::::'/L~ drums and trumpets,fuch vigor and alacride,fo many banners fireaming •.ff• putant vi- in the ayre, glittering armours, motions of/clumes, woods ofpikes and ~:;{;,!:,•;:. fwords, vari~ty of colours, c~fi and ma~ni cence, as if they went in trimis. umph now vtcrors to the Capttol,and w1th fuch pomfe,as whenDars11s army marched to meet -Alexander at 1/fos. Void ofal fearrhey run int() < eminent dangers,Canons mouth,&c.lll vrtlneribus {uis (errum hojl:ium he· S«llikrbeg. bettnt, faith' Barleti11s, to get a name of valour, honour and applaufc;· which lafis not neither, for it is but ameer flalh this fame,and like a rofe, intn' diem tmu111 exting uitHr, ti.sgone inan inftant. Of I~ ooo pro!ecaries · · · · · ... · · · · · -· -· Gaia