Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.2.Se~.5. C11re if H y pocondri•caflMelancholy. ME M •• 3· s V E • E cr. lo Cure of Hypocondri•ca/1 melanrh1V,. N this cure as inthe rdl, is efpecially required the reC!ilicationofrhofefixenon.naturalltbings aboveall, as good dier, whichMontamucMjil.z7.en[oynsa French Nobleman, To bLaurmtif<4 have •n efPecia/1 ca~eofit, without which 48 other remedies are f,"!,j; s;~~~ in -vain.Blood)emng is_notto be ufed, except the patients bo~ ~••am inrei : dy be very filii of?Iood,and thatit bederi~ed from the liver ~nd fple~n to~~=,';,~"[,:~. rheftomackand h1s vdfels,then hto draw 1t back, to cut the mner vem of"'"'· either arme,fome fay the [atv•tefla, and if the malady be conrinuate, c to o- c si pminax pen avein in the forehead.. . fr;!~·;::::~ Preparatives &A!terauves may be ufcd as before, favmg that there mnft Bruel. .be refpeC! had as well te theliver, fpleen, ftomack, hypocondries, as tothet Ego maximii heart and braine. To comfomhet ftomack and inner parts againft winde :h;~;~~~;,~­ and obftruchons,by Aretem,Galen, c.!Et:ru,Aureltamu,&c. and many lat. O'!.<.HorMiorer writers,arc 1\ill prefcribed the decottions of Wormewood, Ccnraury, ~";.119· ' · '-'~ · ,Penniriaii,Betony,fod in whey and daily drunke:many have been cured by ,fi;:.;:;, fi,., thismedicine alone. ·i'-• • 1Jirerexercet Proffer Altinru and fome others,as much magnify the warer of Ni!m a. 'J;::,';f::', 1 • 1g~inft this malady,an efpcciall gopd remedy for windy melancholy. For l~ta in q•••· .which.reafon belike Pto!omem.Philadetphtui when he marriedhis daughter ':Jr•~ .. ""~!";n •lJeremceto the Kmg of:Afyrt~(as Celfm !.>.records) magnuempe11jis Ni!i •Jfu•ne'fuium ·~tqr.arn afferi jufit ,to his great c-harge caufed the water of Nilm to be carr.i'- moleflia de- _edwithdhcr, &gavecommand,that dur!ng her life ~e lhould_ ufe no ouherf:.7CJc'f.f:·. dnnke. I lindethofc thatcommencl ufeot Apples, 10 SplcnatJeke and thisftr4<it<r d~~~ k1nde of me!ancho!y(iambiwooll fome callit)whkh howfoever approveG[P••,uri•am ' muft certainly be correaed of-cold rawnel.le and winde. · ;;:-';;~j;;m~ C•dron~hru in his book de {alt Ahfyn. magnifies the oi!e ·and fait of ftergit,flo:,•• ,W \lnnewood · ~bovc'aU other retp~dies, d rvhich workes ~etter anti. JPeedier ;!':,;::,t;,:1~. -then anyJimple rvh•tfo{vtr, andm11ih.to 6e preferred before afltho[e jH/flme diwem,,."_,. r/{co&liom,M1d infufions ,.vhichmttft offend ~J rea(onoftheir 'ft14ntity, thiJ a-{:="'?P•;enJone 1n11 fmtt!lmeafore t4ken,txfells w..tnde,(7 th:t~,moft forctb!y, moves 11rine, moJu:~;;;:w ,. cleanfoththejlomack ofa/l.grofle humo«KS,&ruditre~, he!pes app•tite,&c. Ar. v., &'c. notdru hatl!a wormewood wine which he would have uled ~ which every';:/:;.~:: fhar.puc'f<t"afpeaksof. • .. •I· •. • '·1 ""ti•rc,, ;. 'i. .. Dimioiltives and purgers may e be rake!\ as)>efore, of hiera,mann~,cafia, f Hu ~'en""di .Which MolftantH conftt.;,; 3 o.for an lt.rlian Abbot, in this kind preferres be. (~~I"~:£::•· ,f?re all ocli~~limples.f Andtheft 'llujl be'ojtenu[ed,Jfi!t abfWnihg frothdf~"""';',ibu1 ., .,~IChar~morevzoi~IJtl left they doeex,lf}~rate th< iloinilck,&co·and th.e mi[r (emper·abfti• chiife by that meanes bein~reafed, Th~ugh !n fo:nc Ph~fwians I. ande very ~::~;1":, ,''; 4 , lhpngpu:gers,Hellebor tt feJfe prefcnhed .mthis atfeC!wn. IfitJong conti- ~m"'; f' .'nue, vomlts may_be token after meat,r·or otherwtfe gently procured witft ~~i~::f',~; warme wat~r,oX'tmell~&c.now an!\i then:Fttchfiu. cap.H.prelcribes Hellt"-lidfrare'con; b?~,bur lhll take heed tn thts malady1\"htcb I haveoftc w:mJed.ofhot me- ;••ll-q eft f/c~ dtctnes,s becattfo (as Salvt4nm adaes)lmsghtfoliorves he.t rvhiehincrettfeth /,.,1• • m•~ ' ' . E e e ' ' the uma"IW•