Part.z.Scc£.5. CureofMelanci'"-'J• f!ilemb.a.Subf. 3 , _39~ the difufe: and y~tBaptiilaSilvatictJS comrov.p.forbic:ls cold meaicines • b .!iq<ifquiJ . h becapfe they iilcreafe obJtmElions,•ndother lwl Jjmpt~ww. But this varie~ ~Jr:Cm":'.~~- as the parries d~,and 'ris~ot eafy to determine which to ufe. i Tht ftom•ck u(.,fi•erir,u moft p•rt tn thu mjirmrty u lold,the lwu hot,fouctthe.ref~re (which Mon- •Y(.r~!J;ooem tamu infinuar~s conjil.n9.forthe Ear le of <.M a•fort) can you help the one ~:,Z,~~r,. 6nd not h11rt the other: muchdifcretion rnuftbeufed, t:ikeno phyfick atali ; f'en_!1iculus heconcl:ldcswrrhout great need. LAli11s v£gubin~H 1onjil.77, for an Hy- ~~~;j.!~: pocondrtacall German Prin,e, ufed many medicines,but it rw afterftgnift. dum, quomodJJ ed to hun tn klettm,thAt th~dmc1zonfjCbinaandS.jf6frM, & fAit ofSajJil- ,~~:,~;:;~;';/'"''.wrMght hrm an t!'credzbleggod: In Ius I oS confolt. heufed as happ_ily ~el>efrigera· the lame remedres,thlS to a thud m1~hrhave been poyfon,by over-heating birbeparfi"' hishverandblood. l ~;';;;::;::,~ . For the other partslookf<Jr remedies in St~VAnuola, Gordo•.i.Ju,v'Uaf!•· ksigniftcatum rta, tJJ1 ~rcMt1 s,Iohnfo#,&c_.ooc_for the fplec~, amongft many other, l will ~er urcr~,;,. not ornrr,crted by Ht!dejlmm fP:cel.z. prefcnbed by M at.Fiaecr~,& out of ~~;;~:;~::;the authority ofBe~>eveni114.AIItonyBenevenim in anhypocondriacall paf8, cl,in•· (!;' fion,lCurtd an e.n·ecdmggreat jivellt11g ofthe fPletn wtth Capers alone,ameat Sa!f4raJ per- befitting that infirmity, andfrequent ufe ofthe JVattr ofaSmiths f~rge,by ;thi< j'.[.:f(;;,1111 ,.phyjick he helped a ficleman,wh.mall~ther Phyfiti.,IS had forfaken, that for nuin.ura;ill,feavmyeArshad bun Splenatick. Andoffuchforc~ is this water, m that 1:/:::ff:J,~, thofe creatu~es .u drink o(it, hav~ oommonly litle or no JP lee•. Sec ~ore exrali agriludi- cellent medtcrncs for the Spleen ID hun,and t Lod.Mereaim ,wbo ts a great ·.,•P!iffnuo magn)fier oithis medicine. This Chalybs pr•paratsu,otll:ee!e..drink is much s:~'1:f;,"j •. !ikewife comm~oded tothis di!eafehy 'Daniel S ennertus l<b . I. part.z.c.n. ierfmartur !Uldadmiredby /. C&{ar Claudinui R'ijfonf. Z9· hecallsl\eeletheproper !•P' canJens " Alexipharmawm of this malady, & .much magnifies it, •look for receipt5 {;:;;"'~:~"'- i)l them. A'>'erters muft be ufed to.theliver and fplecn, and to fcoore the m .<•imatia Meferiack veines,and they are either to open ot provoke urine. You aan j:~:f:i.~:,. openno place bettet then the H~mrods, which if by horfe-letchts tkey bee ,.,,exiguos maile r~floJV, •there may not bee•garnefuch an exa/lent remedy , as Plater b.r.tne lilnu. holds.Saluft ,Sal'llian will admit.rla other phlebotomy but this, and by his ! ~:~;:t,;;; ·experience in an hofpitall ~V>hich he Hpt1he found all mad and ~elancholy efl'r uforfem- men worfe.for.other blood.Jemog; ~renttNJ '"!·I 5. calls thiS ofhorfeper f~icemfiteeches,afure remedy to empty the fpleen and Mcferiacke membrane.on. :f,~.:::::.' ly ag<~infr it,"to other men (faith he) thil opening 1[ nSiHemorr&i· the hemrodsJeems to bt aprofitAble remeayJor my part I doe not approve 1ofir, :~f;e;::ftii- becAt!{e it dra!)'es a1vay the thitmeft blood, Andlt.ttves the thickefl b_ehind. riurejftr ,.. e/Etins,Vidus ViditiS MercurialiJ,J'uch(ius, recommend l>JflrAttcks,lr medium, qu• fuch things as provoke u~in~,asAnnifeeds,bil,Fennel, Germander,gtound ~~n;:::tt:;_ Pine,fod in water,or drnnke'in powder,and yet1' ,P. _ll4yerru_i,againihh:m. vocari pore· And fois EloUerius;AIImilanckol1'men·'((a'\!b 'he)'muft aVQtaforh th;n~,t'"' .... , b t.obfthrvar, provoke urint,lm•r~fe by' them the [Ubtite or t.hi.nneft iJ eva;uatetf,' we M1M:er t ,1.[>10 !Y" . . psc. Jeguteio. matter rernat11U. . oAI~rapertio • Clyftemue in·good requell,'Tr-inoa'V(/Jus lib . .ry ,cAp.38. for a young Ne- ::;:~"J.,., bleman,cfteemesoftkem in the firft place,and Hercr;/es ~e Sa,.oni~ Pantk. utiliffima,.ihi lib.r.c•p.I6· is agreat approver of them. q J h•"'e firmd ( fatth he) ~1 ex pert· nonadmodunc • . . . ' b • b · 1 • probatur,quiaranguinem tenuem attrab~t & craJ!u~ relflli,Mll, ,p Ltb. :z.. c,ap. t 3• omne.r m~ lane ol~c! Je mJDmtt!tr u. ,it24m provoUJrUi4, 9-uouiam per.u-edl!ntur fobttk, & remanet ~a.j{u1D. q F.gJ e"'fermrtr4 proN<IJM·~ultos llypoc(JI'j dria<os, [Olo ufo Cljf/erum f•iff• f4n4tot.