Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Parr.2..Secl.5. CNrufHypmndritUallMelAn&hlly. Memb.r.Subf.3 , ------~--------~~----~~~~--------~, mce,that many hyp~eondriacall melAncholy men havtheenc11redbJ the folet~fl 397 o{C/yfters,receipts are to be had in him. - - - .·Bcfides thofe fomentations,irrigations,iollllaions,odorame nrs, prefcri- bed for the hcad,there mu!l: be the lik« ulcd fer the Liver,Spke n,Stomack, Hypocondries,&c. ' ln&rudity(faith Pijo) tu goodtohinde theHomatk hardrz•. crudir•t. liO hinderwinde and to helpconcoGiion. ~~';z':"'·v•~ OfinwardmedicineslneednQtfpcak,ufe the fame Cordials a s before. tti.. :%;;;;.> In rh is kinde ofmdancholy,fome pre!hibe Treacle in winter , efpecially r 3 i The. ;,..;_ before or after purges,or in rhe S~ring as 4fli&enna, •Trincavellim Mithri. 'ft,~·~·;;.~~., date,uMontaltm Pieny feeds,Umcornes horne 1 os de torde &ervi,&c. fl"''· · Among!l: Topicks or outward medicines , none are more pre tiousthen 'conf.u .t•.s: Baths,but ofthem I haue fpoken. Fomentations to the Hypoc<mdries are~ c;t;.~~~.r\'ery good,of wine & water,in which are fod Somhernwood,Mdilor,EpiUur "'ft~ 'r.. thyme,Mugwort,Sena,Polypody,as aW>• Cerots, Y Play!l:ers, Liniments, (."'"~l''b _ OyQtments,forthefpleen,Liver,and Hypocondries,ofwhich Jookfor ex-,;;:~;':.: ' amplcsin L•urentim,Iobertm-,lib.3.&4f-I·P'•Ef.med. MMtanm confil. 23 r. optimum. <.M ontAitll4 "P· 33 .Hercules de S•xo10i~,F •ventinm. And fo of Epithemes, ;,;if/:~:· digefiive powders,bagges,oyles,Oflaviru Horati•nNs lib.z.c.5. prefcribes Fer.!'et. ""ftl. calafiick Cataplafmes,or dry purgiag medicines : Pr{o • Dropaces of pitch 4 t . & oyle of Rue, applied at certain timestorhe !l:omack, to the me taphrene, ;ice~'!:.",;,' or part of the back which is over again!l: the hea~t, u!Eti11s fynapilmes· (9-o/eo rut•ceo M ont•ltus cap. 35 .would haue the thighs to be •cautcrifed,M emmi•li4 pre~ ~!{f:f:.~;: .. fct ibes beneath the knees; L£1it~s u!Egubmus con f. 77 .£or an Hypocandria. rimtt•phre•i· call Dutchman,will hauethecautery made in therightthigh,a~d fo M111t 4 • ~;~:~~;; •• nus coofil. 55. The fame M DntanM cDnjil.34·approves of tffues m the armes fl"- or hind et part of the head.Bernardus Paternus in HildejheimJPicd.~ .woyJd ~ Fonl4ne~~ haue b ilfues made in both the thighs:• Lod, Mercat11s prefcdbes them necr finr-znutrog, the fplcen,atet P"P' ventrieuli regimen,or in eitherof the thighs.Ligatures :r;:;;-,_,,, 7 • Frittions,and Cupping-glaffes aboueor about the belly ,witho~t fcarifica: t.Demenru •· tion,which t Felix Platmts fo much approves,may be ufed ai before. ~;;:~:;];(~: " ftutiunr lfl4• Suss& c 't. 1• Corrttlm to expellfflinJe. Againft &Djli-llene!Je,&c. teriom~ ~O · 'Wit. ~a!~~ N this kinde ofmelancholy one oi the moll ~lfenfive lfmptom$ ~ I t!• is winde,whichasin themherfpecies, fo in this, hathgrea coeed ' ·~· ;;,~tobecorreCledand expelled. • · ~if l'i! ~ The medicines to expell it are either inwardly taken or our. wardly.Iawardly toexpell winde,~re firnple~ or compounds. Simples are hearbs,roots,&c.as Galanga,Genuan, Angehca,Enu!a. Calamus Aroma• ticus,Valcrdi;Zeodoti,Iris,conddt Ginger,Arill:olocby,Ckliminus Chi· na,Dittander,Pcanyriall,Rue;,Calamint,Bay ~berries, and Bay-leave~, Be. tany,Rofemary ,Hyfope,Sabm~, Centaury ,Mt~t,Camomile,Strechas,Ag• ""' C•ftus ,Broom-Aowres, Ongan,Orangepdls, &c. SpiC:es,as Saffro n Cinamome,Bez_oar !l:one,Myrr~e,Mace, Nutmeg5.,Pepper, Cloves, Gin~ ger,feeds of_anms,Fennei,Amm, Cary,N,ectle,Rue, ~c. ~uniper berries, grana Paradtli,Compmmds,Dianifo,.,D,,.g•l•ng4,Diaeii11111111 /J , Di~rA/4• Eee 3 · 111inth,