3 98 minth,Eleflu•riumde bacciil•ari,Benedill• l•x•liva,Pulvis d fl•tus,AntiJ. ii c•vtodum Fl,mu.pt~lvu Carminati~•nr, ..frow14tiGam Ro[11111111, Tre"le, UW.ithrid4tt /Jic diligtoter &c. This one caution of, 6HAiter B111el is to be obferved in the admini: f f."''""'b '"'·firing ol th_efe hot medicines and dry ,thAtwhilfl thq Glvet to expell wimle :,;:~[,"':,: the7 do( not infl•me thtbtood,•ndincre•flth• dife•fe,fometimes (as he faith ) ~~b:;f[:,~J!; medicines mfl{f mmduti~eto he~t,ftmetimesmore to cold M tile tirGumft4 n. h!c,five me· us requtre,and 44 th.ep•rttes are t~dmed to heat or cold. . . ~;cament•·••· Outwardly taken to expell wmds,areoylcs,asofCamomtle,Rue,Bates, :~:;:;,;::: ~c .fomemations of thehyp~condries, with the deco~ions of Dill, Penni- &'rugiruscl· nall,l\uc,Bay lcaues,Cummm,&c.bags of Camomtle flowres, Amfeed, J>•fcont,bu· Cummin;Bayes,Rue,Wormewood,oyntmcnts of the oyle ofSpikenard, 1"/;":;:;;:~~~: Wonnwood,Rue,&c." Arettt« prefcribes Cataplafmcs , ofCamomile :~ ,plt!rimum flowr.es;Fcnneii,Aoifceds,Cummin,Rofmary,Wormwood leaue5,&c. P"'"'·""''z 'Cuppingglalfesapplied to the HypQcondries , without fcarification, ~;,!~:':~-· doewondertully refolvewiodc.Fernelitu confi/·43· much approves ofthii nimmeii'": atthelowcrendofthcbelly,t Lod.MercAttu calls themapower£~11 reme. :::::f:~\:jii dy,and teftifies moreove-r out of his own knowledge, how many hee bath ~tl frigidum feenfuddenly eafed by them. ltlluu C.efar C!audmtu rej}onf. med. refl.33. ft'u~d•"! ~xi admires the le Cupping-gla!fcs,which he calls our of Gal en, fa l<inde ofenf:fl~~,:~a, chafltmwt!they c<~nft Jt~ch !re{t11t helP_•. "'""'P"'i'"' Empyncks hauea mynadeof medicmes,as to fwallow a bullet of lead, ••t••• aJ_d &.c.whi~h 1-voluntarilyomit.AmatmLn.fit•nm cent.4-.mrat.54-·for ah hy. ~c$.r:t:.1: pocoodriacall perfon,thatwasextreamly tormented withwinde,prefcribes < Pifo Brue~ a firange rcmedy.Put a payre of bellows end into aClifier pipe, and apply- 'j.i~{"'"'"' iog it into the_fundament,open the bowels,fo dr~w forth the_winde, N atufYelot ;.,.•• ra nonildiPIIttt vacuttm. He vants he was the firfi mvented thts remedy,and '""'"''"J:,oJ. by meanes ofit,fpeedily eafed a melancholy man.Of the cure of this flatu. t.'Q,f:'uu.a':" ous melancholy,read more in Fientu de flatibw CAp.z6.& paflimalilts. 18iero "'""' AgainfiHeadach, Vertigo, vapourswhichafcendforthofthe fiomack ~;":'· tomolefi the head,read Hereales de Saxonia,and others. . .,.~;~;~;:,;. IfCofiiuendfe offend in this,or in any other of the three fpecies, it is to ~~"!;:•,::,~, b~correded with fuppofitories,cly~m,or lenitives,P?wder ofSene, con. ;a;co f.piru. d1te Pruoes,&c. R.Elefl.lemt.e (ucc1 rofar.anA 3 j.mi{et. torbis vide- Take asmuch asa nntmegata time,halfan houre before dinner or fupper, m~- b. hi- or pil..,aftichin. 3 j.infix pills,a pill or two at a time. See more in Montall. ~.,:;;P~~.:, cpnftl.n9.Hi{dejheim fPicel.z.P.Cnemander,and Montanwcommend g CJ· h.bt•.rfam!• pri•n Turpelltine,w.hicb they wo•tdhavef•Miliarly t4ken,to the qtwlfity ofa ~~;:;:; ;:;;:;fmaa nut ,tw~ ~r three houres beforedinner •nd (upper , twice or thrice a week tiiit ""'"~'"':ifNe~d ~e,for bejidu that ,it Imps the be87foluble,it cle•m the f1omaGk,op111I ..,. ,trlb:o J"u 0bftrlllft91!S,deanfeththe liver,provolmuri»e. · '::,'!::;.~;:. The(e in briefe arc the ordinary medicines which belong to the cure of fi"f.•l• ftpti· melan~ho.ly, which ifthey be ufed aright,no doubt may doe (lluch good, SI :';.~r,·..:;~,. Non tev~»if' fait em l~nientlo va~ent,pm•liari• !.entJe.lefl•, f~ith BejforJ.t~~,a ~u.,, nii pr<· goo_dc~o1ceof parttcular recetpts,muft needs eafe,ifnot qu1te cure:not one "'1"""' quod but all or mo(l,asoccafionferves. '· :;~;:1:.~ Et qu~ non profost jlngul•,mult•juvant . ::~n;;~:£:~~rgat,urintam pt'011"4tJhep41 Tll@~llific41· . ' FI NlS.