AnAlyjisofthethirJ Partition. fMtmb.t ; \ Hispcdegree,power,extcat to vcgetallsandfenlihlc creatures,'as well as mcb· to fpirits,divels, &c. _ 1 His name,definition,objetl,part affe~cd,tyranny: ,.. \ , rStarres,temperarure,full dier,place,country,clime·,CODditidlil, idlcnes. s. 1; \ Naturallalluremcnrs,& caufes oflove,as ~eaul')',its praife,how itallurctb. Comelines,grace,refulting fromthewholc,or feme parts,as fa~c,cies.haire hands,&c.subf.>. Y' \ Caules c; Artificiall alluremem,.and provocations ofluft a!lilloue,gefiures , arpa; Heroical Memb.2.1rcll,dowry,mony,&c. · or Love- .Q!!411. Whether Beauty owe morewArt..- Narurcf Su!tf+ Melan- Opportunity o(time & placc,con{l!rence,dikaurfe,mufiek, fmging, da~ choly, in<;\ cing,amoroustal~s,lafcivious obieCis,familiarity,gifis,promiliGs,&c. S•f·-t· which l Bawds and Ph1lters. SHbf. 5. ' confider, ,SDryneffe,p;~leneffe,leannejfe, w.akiAg,lighing .&c. S ~Of Body l Qop.ft • .AndetHrpulfm am.rorim? \ ymp- Bad as ~'Feare,forrow,fufpition,anxiety,&c. J/}"eh or r><:.tage,fiavery,DCglec't ofbufine!lec r,omes or or ~ . • Jln hell,tormenr,fire,l>lindneffe,&c. em + 0~ minde 5 Sprucene!le,neatnelfe,eourage , aptncffc toleamc ·1 . Good, as(mufick~finging,dancing,poetty, &c. Prognolhcks;Defpaire,Madneffe,'Fhrenfie,Death,Memb.4. c By labour,diet,phyftt:k,abllinencc,S•bf. 1 . . I To withftand the!>eginnings, avoid occafions , faire and fuule mcane.; Cur~• chaug~ ofplace,conti'ary,Pafilon, witty inventions, difco111mcnd the fur· Me111h. s< mer,bringiaanother,l Si16f.• . l By good counfell,perfwafion,from future miferia,incoveniences,8<c.S .;: By Philters,magicall,and pocticall oures,S+ to lct ·them hauc their de(Jrc . difputedpr• and<•»· !~pediments removed,realons for it.Su6.s . fHis name,definition,elitent;power,tyranny ,Memb. t. . : .£quivo- ToKi.ngsand Printesol their fubj~tls,!'uccel!'ors . . · catioRs, or Tofnends,parents,rutorsovertheltchddren,orotherwlfe. · ~Divifio~lmt?toper ~To many bealh; as Swans,Cocks,Bulls. · kindes. ' Berore marriage,corrivals,&c. . 'l s,.r.[.t . Proper After,asin this place our prcfentfubictl. ' ~In the par-~ldleneffe.impotcncy in onepany,melancholy,longabfence, • . Caufes ties them· Theyhanebeennoughtthcmfelues.Hardu&ge,unkindncfiC, wan· ~ l St£1.2 . felves tonneffe,lnequalityof yeares.perfons,fortunco;&c. ~ ' or ,SOutwatdintifemel\tsaudpto• ": c; Fro others ( vocations ofothers. ~ l'ymptomes,S Feare,forrow,fufpicion, anguilhofminde, !lrangeatlions,geflures,looks; ~ Memb.•. ( fpeeches,lockingnp,outrages,fevcre !awes, prodigiouo triallo,&c. ~ PrognoGicksSDe!paire,Madncffe,rolllake away themfelv~s l> 'Mtmb.~ ( and others. . ~By a•oidingoccafions,alwaiesbufie,never to be idle. ' · Bygood counfcll,advife offriends,to contemneor diffemble it. SH~(.I , , Cures By prevention before marriage,Platoes communion. I . Memb.4. To marry fucbasare e<juallin yeares,birrh,fortunco,beauty,oflike coditions,&' ' Of a good funilf,goodedUQ~tion . Toufethe111 well . x Religioll