Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Memb.r.Subf.I ; - 'rcrvedmore, haiha more fiaidjtldgemenr,can better difcerne, refolve,dif- 401 c~ffe, adviCe, give better cautions, and more lolid precepts, better informe - l1is auditors in fuch a fubjcd, & by reafon ofhis riper years fooner divert. Bclidcs,nihil in hJc amoru '!JOCt fr•htimendr~~n, there is nothing here to be excepted at; Love is a fpecics ofmelancholy, and a neceffary part of this my Treatifc, which I !!lay notomit,operifufcepto infttvimdumfuit;foi•- c~bus r:.Myciflus plcadeth for himfelfe in his tranfiation of Lucians Dialogues, and fo doel; I mull: and wilrperforme my taske. And that lhort Excule of r:.Mtrcmes, for his edition of Arift.tnttus lhall be mine, " lfl. slma~lo· have f}tnt my time iU to write, let not them he (Q id/1 114 to rtai.But I am per- '"'•·•fi•P<r4 fwa_ded it is no~ fo ill fpent, I ought not to cxcufe or repen~ my felfe ofthisf~~::;;;;: fubjcct, on whtch many grave and worthy men have wrttten wholevo. /,&'"""· . lumnes, Plato, Plutarcb, Plotinus, r:.MaximtuTyritu, Alcino11s, A'VicmnA, Leon: Hebretu in three large Dialogues,Xmophonfympo(. Thtophraftus, if we may believe Athen.tuslib.tJ. cap. 9· Pictts r:.Mirandula, r:.M'IIrius .A!,. quicola,both in Italian, 'K ornmannus de linea Amoris, lib. 3. Petrus Godefri- . dus hath handled in three books, P.H.tdus, ,and whkh almofi every Phy- /irian,as Arnoldus, Villanvan~s, Valleriolaohfer'Vat. ,,.J.lib. 2.obforv.7• .AJ.lian r:.Montaltus,and Laurentitts in their TreatifesofMelancholy,l•fon Pratenjis de morb.cap.Valefct~s dt Taranta, Gordo~ius, Hercults de Saxonia, Savanarola,Langius, &<. have treated ofapart, and in their works. I cx- ~ufemy fclfethcrefore with Peter Godefridus, Yallerlola, Ficinus, and in .' Lansirts words. Cadrnas tMilejius writ foureteeh books of Love, and, M<l'eplfl.~ why fhot~ld I be afhamedto write an Epijlle in fo'Vour~fyoung men,ofthisfob· '·'P·' f· col• iefl~ Acompany of ficroe Readers difiike the fecond of the .AJ.nead1 , and rmMileft.. rirgils gravity, for inferring fuch amorouspallions in an heroicall fubjecr; 7/,~~~:~~;co :Butt Servitts his Commentator jullly vindicates the Poets worth, wif- Amore. ·~· -dome,and difcretion in doing as he did. Caflalio would not have young libror fmpf: men read the¥ Cantictes, bccaufe to his thinking it was too light and amo- ~:';:.f:f.' •- rou> atraa,a EaUadc of Ballades, as our old Englilh tranfiation bath it. He tl•fienlfl,. might as wdl forbid the reading of Gmefls, becaufe of theloves of lacob,;;'';/!::'.,.. andRachel, the fiories of Sic hem and Di11•, Iuda and ThamAY; reject the t C•m..,;t.io book of Numbm, for the fornications of the people of I{rael, with the ,;-~eJ • .tMoabitts; tharof Judges for Sampfon and Dalilah_es embracings, that of mom :;.,~;, _the Kings, for Davidand Berjheba< adulteries, theincefi of Ammon and imp:dlcni4llt Thamar, Solomons Concubines,&c. The fiories ofP.ffer,llldith, Su/a»ntl f:::re~u; and many fuch. Dicearchus,and fome othercarpe at Plato's majefiy, that •"' •· hewouldvouchfaferoindite fuchlovetoyes, amongfi therefi, for that dallian~e with Agatho, . , Sua-via dans AgJthoni,animam ip[e in la~ratene~am, fSer, I, : · .h:graetenimproperans unquamaGitur•foit• .,For my part faith t M aximus Tyrius, agreat Platonijl himfdre, me /1611 _tantmnadmiratio habet ,fedttiam ffupor, I doe not only admire, but fiand ~mafed to read,that Plato & Socrates both lhould expell Homer from their ,Citty, becaufe he writ of fuch light and Y<anton fubjeds, J<.!!•d lM11Dnem cum love ip lda e~ncumbentes indHcit, ab immort•li11u#e conteflos,Yulcant net, Mars and vmus fopperies before all the Gods, be~aufe 4poU, lied, · , • when he wasperfequmed by JtbiUes,the t Gods were wounded and ran Fff wllinins