Part.3.S~etJ, . Love.M'tlan~41DlJ• Mcmb.t .Subf.z, 'fO'i- whining away, as <.M•Ifrs that rorcd lbwdcrthcn Stentor, and covered nine ~ akers ot•ground with:his fall, Vt~l&anwas a fummers day falling down from t uoJ ,; um heaven,an<~hn Lenml>sl!e brake his1egge,~c . w!fh fuch ri.diculous palfa. ~"'""~'- gcs; when as both Sll.,•tts and Plato, by hrs tefirmony wm l~ter rhem. rt.. &amo· fe!vcs : qaideni,, quam .m~ns lt ~::."mm,,.,.. formarumadmir4tor.J'Iiemente, ~vh~ttanbe in~re abfurdthcn for grav~· • ~·"'mol treat of fuch foolenes, to admr~e :Autt!DiJIIItJ, Alcibiades r.eiobinif:. for their beauties as!hey did,to runne after,to gp~, to dote bhfaire Ph4~ {;:!,q~~; drus, delicar~ A~,:thJ, youngLyfi•, .fine Charmldt~, h•ccine Philofophim lm.Wcuiffet, decem/ DoLH thts becomegrave Phrlofophers~ Thus peradventure· c~/li111 ~~:.';,, Tbrl/.fi~achta~Pol114,AriJf.ophalm,orTome of hisadverfaries an.d a;mula. loqu"''"'f.. tors mrght obJeCt, but netther they nor"' A:nytm and <.Melltll4 hrs bmere. phW""' "' '· nimics,that condemned him for teaching CritiiM totyrannize,his impiety, ::f:.~:"J:;:,. for [wearing by dogs ~nd plane trees, tor hisjugling fophilhy,&c. never fo fscmmt Ji«· much as upbraided him with impure love, writing or fpeakingof that fub. !i,hone/1"'"" jed,and cheref<M:ewithoutquefiion,as he concludes, both Socrater and ~~;:r,~·talii P/atsinthis are jufilyrobeexcufed.Butfuppofc they hadbec:nalittleovet. Plm mcam feen, lhould divine Plato be diffitmed? no, rather as he faid of Cato's drun~ m•Jjft•"" keMdle, if Cat~ were drunke, it !hould be no vice at all to be drunke. TbCy !r;;:.;:~~•l· reprove PlAID then, but Without caufe (as Ficinm pleads) for All love u h~ f.,it .'Dycea~· neft andgood, •nd they Art umthy to ve loved that f}eak well of/eve. Being to j;:'m<::ie.·~~- fpeak otrhis admirable alfedion ot love (faith Valle:io/a) there lies Dftn 4 •• amor hone- vajl andfht!ofophlcaH field to m1 ififiourfe, vy which many lovers 6cmne fl"' lj · ~~ mAd: let me ltave my moreferioll4 meditatian1, wander intht[e Philofophicali ~;7'!.~.~;. fietdJ,alllilook into tho[eplea{ant Groves ofthe Mufos, where >Vith unf}eaka- . '""'de Am.. 6Je variety ofjlo1vers, we may make Garlands to sur [elves, not to adorne us "M, J b(i only, vut with their pleafant [me/land juyce to norwifh 011r foules , and ftU our iib.:. ~p.~: minds deftrolld ofbowledge,&c. After an harlh and unpleafing difcourfe of Je abiirando Melanc.holy, which hatb hithertomolcfied your patience, and tired the au. :;,~;'..'t-11" thor, give him leave with f qodeftiall4 the Lawyer,and Laurentim ( cap.~ .) f.<"' paw torecreatehimlelfcinthis kiodafrerhis laborious fi ~<dies, fince fomany "f./:' ff grave Divines and w~rthy men have withont offence to manner>, to ht!p ~~jt~ 'k~~· 1hem[elves •ndothers voltmtari!J 111ritten ofit . H eliodor114 aBifl1op, penRed mitt<t4tlfu•: alove fiory dfTheagines and Charidea, and when fome Cato's of his time ''"ti1:{":;. reprehended himforit, chofe ratber,faith g Nicephor114, to leave his Bid:~.;.,.;, filoprick then his boolc. .A!.netU Silvill4 an ancient Divine and pafi 4o. &<. years ofage,(as 1 hecontcfieth himfelfe,(after Pope Pi114 Secrmdll4) endited ~::;:;,(.,that wanton ~ifiory of Euryalus andLucretia. A:nd bow ~any fuperin.ten. fragrantia & dents ot learnmg,could I reckon up that have wmten ofhght phantafi1call {'::/.~;";._. fubjeets, Bero•IJRI, Er>~{mus,Alphmttitu, twenty times printed in •iutaz.!r Spanijh, &c. Give me lcttvethcn to refrclh my mufe ahtt.le, and my weary eo e. Readers, to expatiatein 'this delightfon\e field, hot delitiar11m campo,as ~;~j; ·!:,~~i Folf{<Wearlt!esit, to k feafona~urlydifcour.fe, wltli a mor~pl~afing afp~r ..,.l'""•· fronsflovematters: EJulrareVttam convemt ,as the Poet ,mvrtes us, cur a """"tf1mln-ugi6&c .'tisgoodtolweeten our Jife with fome pleafiog royes to relli!h j;ff£,~ft~~)zrigattqtltlrJM (!I 'rbtolo£i{ebU / uvari & iuv4Ttit.efomoribr 'liOliitJt, g Hi/. lib. u cap.J4. i 'hllf41. tJtddt[HitagtViD,on<Ottrit cum tJ111Wtt , Bgo "JerDif!lofio .nuuDrill•.ftriptura_ m~bJ noa c_otJ1J~irt: ri'JJtM 8iwivt rr•f•t quii411HrteriJi4mpr4tergre.(ul in wl}erol!i frrot. k Yl [nieriON ftu4t4 u ..,..,,.,;~., "'"" ,,.. ./in poJ!tt, Aelwf. it