Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

Men:tb.I.Subf.I · to rcllifh it,and as Pliny tells us,milgna pars ftudi•forum,am~tnitatestpt4ri- 40~ mm,moft of ourftudents loue fuch pleafant t fubjetts. Though MACr~biuslDi(romqu.,_ reach us otherwife, tthat thofeold S•ges banif!udanji1ch light Trails jromP};~~r;r::,;:. theirjludtes,to Nnrfes ,cradles, 11 pleafe only the tare, yet ourof Apuluus I lunt. ,~illoppofe as honourable Patrons, Solon, Pl•to, m Xenophon,Adri•n,&c. 1,I• s"":s~. that as highly approve of thde Trcatifes. On the other fide mce thinks ~!,;:~~~~:.;• they are not to be diilikcd,they are not fo unfit. I will not peremptorily fay •utricurr:fopi· as one did,• tamfuavia dieamfocinora,tit male fit ei q11i talibus mn delelle- '"'"}/'[;,""'" tur,I will tell you fuch pretty fiories, that foulc befall him that is not plea. ~::~J:u,/';. fed with them;Neq, dieam ea,qll.t vobi; ttfui fit a11divij[e,& volt~ptati memi-Profttentet: nif[e, with that confidencc,as Beroaldus doth_his ena!rations on Propertiu~. ';;,.~~;,~;:;:: I will not ex pea or hopeforthat approbauon, whtch Ltffius gtues to hts quid.e Awore Epilletus: plur.il facil quumrelego}flmperut novum ,.-& qtlum_repetivi,re-~;:;f~~::e« pmndt~m,the motel read,thc more thall I covet to read. I wtll not prelfc MYrrh~,cyyou wirh my Pamphlets, or beg attention, but ifyoulikcrhem you may. """Cl' A_- Pliny holds itexpedient,a!\d mofi fir,Jeveriwem jrmmdiWteiiam infcrip- ~=~lu.su .. tu condire,to feafon our works with !omep!eafant difcourfe, syneftus ap- t.Per.Arerine proves ir,lictt in ludicri; ludere,the ¥Poet admire; it, ~··'·Ita/. · Omnc wlit punllum qui mifcNit utile dulci, And there be Hor. thofe without qucfiion, that are more willing to read fuch toycs , then t I am to write: Let me not li.ue, faith Aratines Antonia, If! had 110tr~ther t LegenJicuheare tby difcourfe, •then fee~ play! N odoubt butthere be~ more of herr~";::;t':l':, minde,ever have been,ever wtll be,aso Hterome beares me Wttnelfe. A for(.f,,h Lucian. 'greater part hadrather read Apuleius then Plato: Ttt!ly himfelfe confelfeth '~lur <apio · he could not underfiand Plato'' Tim,eus ,and therefore cared Icae for it, but ~:.;t;::~:~­ every fchoole. boy hath that famous tefiamcnt of Gr~nitu Corocptta Por- llanJu;n_rhe· cellru at his fingers ends. The Comical! Poet, · :';~::!;- --Jdjibi nrgot l mdidit{alum dari, Ifoi•"' · ,/.~,. Pop~tlo 11t placerent ,qu a< jeci!Jtt {a hula. . Made this his i,J,;; ;,:;,;:· onely Care and foie fiudy to pleafe the people, ttcklc the care , and rode. revotventium light; but minecarncft intent is as much·to profit as to pleafe,no11 t4m ut po. quam PU.tonu pulo placmm,quam 111 populumjr.varem,and thefe my writings I hopc,fhall lrbror. take like guilded pills,which are fo compofcd as well to temptthe appetite, and deceavcrhe palat, as to help and medicinally worke upon the whole body,my lines fhall not only recreate,but rcttifie the mindc. I tflink I hauc faid enough, If nor, let him th:u is othenvife minded, rememberrhat of t,t.711atlda~enji~ ,be 1va in hi; life • Philofopher( as .dufoniiH apologizeth fort In ~ita ~hi~ bm1,)tn hu Eprgr•ms aLover, m hu precepts moft fevere; m hu Epijlle to "fr•··~· C,ucllia,•JVanton. Annianm,Snlpitiru,Evemm,<..Men•nder, and many old .f.f{:;:,£;;. P_oeis befides,did infcriptu prurire, write Fdcennines,Attellanes,andlafci-f;t,~ {."';,:,. vwus Congs;l.ttam mateYI'am,yet they had tnmQrJbU4 cenforam,&fiver it•-"''"f"'er 114 ; tem,thcy wcrechafr,fevere, and uprightliveri. Cajlum ejfe Jew pi11mpaetam lpfom,verjiculos nihil neceffi•ft, f'l!!i tumdenitfr habent (alem & leportm, . I am of C.t· tullm opinion,and make the fame Apologie in mine own ·behalfe: Hocetiam quod fcribo,pendet plerumq; ex aliorum fementia & authoritate, nee ipfe for fan in!anio fed infanientes fequor. Atqui detur hoc infanirc me, se. Fff a m1l