Love-Melanchol:J. M em b.' .Subf.r, ~me/in~nivimr1: omnes ,& rut.eipfe opinor infanis aliquando, & is, & illc, & ego,fClhcet Homofim•, humani;, me nilfil alienum put o: nMart. tv"'id. And which hcurgeth for himfelf, accufed of the like fault, I as jufily plead n L4fcivaejl no/,jsp•gina,vitapro6aeft, ' Howfoever my lines erre,my lite is honell, t Yitavermmdil ejl,mu(ajoooft mihi. :But I prefumc I need no {uch Apologies, I need notas SocrAtes in Plato,co. ver his face when he fpake ofloue,or blulh and hide mine eyes, as •1'•0111 did in her hood,\vhenlhewasconfulred by Jupiter about Memtries marriagc,quodfuper nuptiu virgo confulitr~r ,it is no fuch lafcivious, obfceane or wamon·difcour!e,I baucnor offendedyour chalter·cares with any thin<> that is here written,as many French and Italian Authors in their modern~ JangiJage oflate haue done, nayfomeofourLatinepomificiallwriters, •Ifogod(ac\ Zanches,Aforitu ,Abtilenjis,Brtrchtrdra,&e.whom • Rivet accufeth to bee [;rip,<ap. t;. more lafcivious then Yirgit in Priapeijs, Petr~nitu in CatAletlis, driJ'Iopha. ,:';'.',:[~~~- lW io LyciflrAt,e,Martialis ,or any other Pagan prophancwriter ,qui tAm anam,ludum trocit~r(* one notes) hoc g~nere peccarunt utmult• ingeni6Ji/imeftripta o~ HifJ:. p,mitatr.mgrati!i. caj/11 mentes a6horreant. Tis not [currile this,butchaft, ~m~;:~,. ,1 honcfi,moll part fcrious and even ofreligion it fdfe. o lncen{ed (ls hefaid) fmor~ inc:•fi with the i111eofjindmg loue,we haue {411ght it,and (011nd it. More yet, I hlue :;·~:::":;,";,.augmented andadd~d_fomething to this light Treatife (ifli~ht) ~hich was f"'fi"''""" "not mthe former Edltlons , I am not alhallled to confelfe it, With a good t~'"%""'· t Author,quod exrendi & locuplerari hoc lubjeClii pleriq; poltulab:it,& eoltfl:;:,. ~.:.b. rum imporwnitate vi6lus,animum IK~unq; rtnitetcm eo adegi,ut jam quinint.,prm. t:i vice·calamum in m~ num{umerem,fcriptioniq; longe & a fiudiis & pro- ~::;r.l<b.>. fcffione m d. alien~ me accingerem , horas aliquas a feriis me is occupatia. pH~!;;.dixi nibus interim fuffuratus,eafq; veluti ludocuidam ac rccreationi ddlinans; zequiJtet~tere t C6gor---retr6r[ttm it:j:;:;:~~ Yef4dttre.,at~iterl.rt Yf!Y[tH morumktX~d• o/imreli8os-;-- j!~::f:~:::.' etft non ignor~r~m novos forralfe detraetores, novis hifce ioterpolationi- '"''"'"1'"'" bus meis m1mmedefururos. &c. Aod thus much lhaue thoughtgoqd to fay by way of preface, leaftany ~th":':f:{.~~ man (which P Godfriara feared_in his book) lhould bl.amc in me lighmelfe, ,.,, hum,.:J wantonnelfe,ralhnelfe,in fpeakmg of louescaufes,enufemcors,fymptomes, I•fii•i•m &' remedies,lawfull aRd unlawfullloves,and lufi it lelfe, q I f}t4kit Mly totA:t ~:;~a:,;£1,. atui titter re othersfr6m it,not to tmh,but to fhewthe vanines and fopperies «ndo, """ igi- ofthis heroical! orHerculean loue,and to apply remtdieslintDit. I will treat ~;,~a;;:t~' ofthis with likeliberty asoftherelt , . . . ftc«• feat , t Seddtcam v~bts ,vo~ porrodiCttt multts & c.comm••i· t..MillibfiS,& (4Cite hitc chArta Joquatur anNs. !:;;';'~~~~hU- Condemne me notgood R<Oader then, or ~en lure me hardly,if fome part of ce ut ahf/ine-this Treatifc to thy thinking as yetbe too hght,but con.fider better o~ n,Om· ••' magu & niAmHnda mundis, o a naked man to ;t modefi womao IS no otherw!fe then ~7:!{:.1.~;- a pu~lu!e,as .dugu.fl•Liviatruly faid, and • malamens malus •»imt~s, 'tisas ;:::.~::~~~~ incumbat1t fhtdiU ( .-E1!ta5 Sytv.) & 'uram amPri.J fi qu¥ nefiit bin' pcterit fl~re. * M41tianJI4 ~~ ptl.'a lib. I de 1Wpt.p,ilol.virginalr {ujfvfitrubore c,·ulosptplo okubens;e''· tC41Jlflu4, o YITOfiMdou~fl~ fermn.e oihilo j/atuinlift4T<· • Ho>ySoytjtli'maly J't"fl· . 'tis