Memb.t.Subt:2. 'ristakal.lfinthy aeofureit be too light,{-advifethce asvipftus did his rea- 4o7 der.fos fnme places of PUHttls ,l/los qu~ft Sit-mnm feopt~los pr«terveh•re, if --- they like thee not, let them palfe , er oppofe that which is good to that which is bad,and rej~ct not therefore all. Fer to invert that verfe of UU.r. ti•l,am! with HieromW.lfinsto apply it tomy prefeilt purpole, sunt mau,font qu•dammedil&ria,font {,qna plt~ra ' fomc is good,fomebad,fomc is indifferent. I fay fartherwich himyer,I haue infer- . ted (• levicnla qu4dam & ridiculaaftri/,ere nonfum grav•tus , circumfora- *Pr£[s.Jl, ne~t.qU4J4m t the.tris 1t 1fAteis,etiAm t popinis) feme: things more homely> light,orcomicall,/itans Gratiis,&c,wbich 1would requell:every man to intcrprettothe bell:,and as Iulius C4Jitr Scali.f er befought C.mJan (Si qniel nr/,•niuft•lilt~[u a nobis,per deos im"'o,ales u oroHieronyme(ardane ne me male c4pi~~<.)l befeech thee good Reader,not to mill:akeme, ormifconll:rue what is here written; Per Mu('" & Ch#itts, & omniaPoet4rum numin•,f,e. nigne IeOor ,or~ te,nemem•le capitM. 'Tis aComical! fubject , in fober fadnelfe I craue pardon of,vhat is amilfe,and defire thee to rulpend thy judgt. menr,wink at fmall faults, orto befllent at lea!\; but ifthou likefi,fpeake well ofit,and wi(b me good fi!cceffe. ExtremNm hunc Arlthufamihi m:cede l~borem, . I am refolved howfoever,velis,n•lis,auulfer ft•Jillm intrare, in the O· lympicks,with thofe.AI-Iie;vfian Wrell:lersin PhilojlT41Ns, boldly to lhew my felfe in this common Srage, this Trage-comedy ofLoue, to Act feverall pam,fome Satyrically,fomeComically,foine in amixt Tone , as t~e fubject I haue in han6l giues occafiolll, and prefe·nt Sc~e lhall requi!i: o~ offer it klfe. $ U B S B C To 2 . Loues Eeginning,objel1,Dejinifiln,Divifton, \ Oues limits are ample and grettt 1 and• JPatillls w•ll< it hat.h /,efit rriththornes,and for that cauf~\' ' wbich r Staliger reprehends in r Extrc. Jor ; Carda~J,not lightly to/,e pajJeJgver.Lcall: I incur thef~mecenfi1re ~":!;=:;":J;" I will examine all che kinds ofloue,his nature,. beginning , diffe. JPinu obf.rur, rence,objects,how it is honeR or dilhon~ft,a venue or vice, a natnraU paf. "'~ kv~,.. lion ora difeafe,his power and dfetfs, how.fat it extends: of whlch, al. ~4.4~~~· vo. though fomething hath been f:lid in the fitll: Panition, inthofe 'Sctlionsof ftlr.J.> ·eap. Perturbations(•for lou<•nihAtrtd are th<Jirft andmbfl colmnon p•J?ions,fom ';.:,p~'f::':;: w.hich•flthe reft arifi,•nJ,mMttt!ftlant,e:S f'itolomilltlti holds, or asNich. c•mmuni!Jm!" Catlj!inus ,the pri'."""' .;ngbile of allotb~r a~e6tions _ , .. whiCh ~arry them ail~~'";~~;·:~ about them) I wdl nowmoretopiGuily 1hlate,thtoug!~all has parts and fe- rer! ''"'"'"" verall branches,that foit may bettet aoppeare what ·Loue is , and how it va- &.'"n''" fo nt ries witli the objccts,how indefect, .:>r (w'hkb is moll ordinary·and corn- peiliffiq•~. m on) immodcrate,and in excdfe,caufeth melancholy, Loue univerfally taken,is defined to bea Deftrt, asa.word of moream· 1 1r · ore]l · , >ple . figni.fica~ion!and r?ougb Leln:Htbrronhe moll:copio~s writero.f. t~is lunt'i¥iuiadt fubJta,m h1s th1rd D1alogue make no dalference, yet 10 h1s firlt be'edlll:tn·1~' (q' deft' guilheth them againe,andddineslouc by defice, ! /. IHe iH '111/!II!MrJ "ife• • ~r:;J;,"""- Fff 3 . fliqn