Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D H M o c R r ~us tb the l<tader. ~~;,.~·,~;,fcl~:- Rtt{sia,g under a t)lrannizing Duke.Who ever heardof more civil &rich >nd AlcxandtrPopulousCoumnes, thenthofeof Greect, AjittMrnor, aboundrngwtth Gagni""' lti- all hwealth, mttltitude ofinhabitants,force, power, fPlmdor andmagnif. ~~~~nJall! cence, and that miracle of Countries, 'the Holy land, that info finall a .,.,; .Uvitia: compalfe ofground could maimainfo many Townes; Cities, produce ;::,1f.~:':;:~~: fo many fighting men~ Egypt another Paradife, now barbarous&. de. titudine,JPicn- farr, and almoft wafte, by a defpoucall government of an 1mpenous J111cac pc- Tterk, intolerabili fervitutisj~go premiturl" one faith) not only fire and ~·~::,·,bove water, goodsorlands,(ed ipjefpiritus abinfolentifsimi vt[foris pendet ,;,o, nub in nut~<,fuchis theidlaverie, their lives and fouls depend upon his infolent ~~~~;j,~~~;:,. will and command. A tyrant that fpoils all wherefoe~er he comes, info. dingcoAdri- much that an '1cl!ftonancomplams, ifan old rnhabttant Jbould nowfoe comi"'. them,hewouldnot know them, rfa traveller, orftranger,itwould grieve ~*:':'"A- his heart to behold them. Whereas d Ldrijfotle notes,Nov.t exac1iones, csab•&ic,..s; novaoneraimpojita, new burdens and exactions daily come upon them, !"" incola ve- they muft needs be difconrem,hinc civitattemgemitru &ploratru,as•Ttel- :;;~j,;§;~'f- ly holds,hence comethofecomplamts andteares ofCities, poor, miferaP"'f.ri""'.i•· ble, rebe!lioru, and defperatefobje[fs, as f litppolitru addes: and gasajudi- ~·;;t:;~~·.,.6. ciouscoumrey-man of oursobfervednot longfince in afurvayof that c,..,,;,., great DutchieofTufcany,thepeople hved much gneved and difcomem, ptincipu••· im. as appeared by their manifold and manifefi complainings in that kinde. !:;;:~;;:;::; That the State was like a{ick bodie wluch had lately taken phyjick, whoft hte. legum,pecula- mors nr< notyet well fttled, and weaknedfo much by pterging,that nothing ';bfi~':,";,, "''" left bm melancholy. • . . . c Ep'fl· Whereas the Pnnces and Potentates are immoderate'" lufi, Hypofve inmm. crites,Epicures,ofnoreligion, butinlhew: f<!!Jd hypocriji fragiliru i' {.:;f,~f~iftri, what fo brittle and unfure, what fooner fubvercs their eftatcs then wan. Ttb<ller, kfli•· dring &raging lufts,on their fi•bjects wives, daughters, to fay no worfc~ ~·;: !};.~[.. _ They t~at fhould focempr.eferre, leade_rhe way to all vertuous aClions, ton, , 19 6. ~ ... ate the rmg-leaders oftennmes ofall m1fchtefand dt!folutecourfes, and ciufio libti. by that means their countries are plagued, handthey themfelves oftenrui. ~.:.;:J1 7. ~0 ned; banijhed or murdered by con(prracy oftheir fubje[fs, as SardanApafit utautreb10 lm was, Dtonyftus Jtmtor, HeltogaGalus, Pertander, Ptjijfrattts ,Tarqutnt ... tf!::~:~i;o:j:_ us,Timecratts ,Chil~erietts~A pp ius Claudius,AndrotJi(uS ,Galea,iu.r Sfor- .,aticntfubdito· jia, Alexander M edtces, &'· '"'" '"'Jelifti- Whereas the Princes or great men are malicious, envious, faetious, :~~;~:""'"-ambitious, emulators? the}' teare a Common-weal:h a[ under, as fo ma- ; Mutuo oJ ir rty Guelfts,and Gebellmes dtfturbe the qUtetnelfe of tt,' and wuh mutuall ~ uJibtu ,.. murders let it bleed to death ;our hifi ories are too full offuch barbarous t."t{;;;;';';;.•. inhumanities, and the miferies that ilfue from them. lir,ftclcrarifi; Whereas theybe!ike fo many horfe-leeches,hungry,griping,cofrupt; !~{'· k covetous,avariti.e mancipitt,ravenousas wolves, for as Tufty writes;qui m ~1,;..0!\ pr.eeftprodeft, & qui pecudtbtupr<tejf, debet eortem uttittati infer'tlire: or P"' we miC- fuch as preferre their private before the publick good. For as I bee laid ~t;,~:. :~:: long fince, res privat.t pt~bltcif femper offtcere. Or wherels they be illiteaccounung ' rate,ignoram,Empericks in policie, 11bi deejf focult.u, m virtus (Arijfot. fuch as reJd MatbitWtl and 'r.uirw,yeat fiatcfrilcn tb:t.tcan difpute'Ofpolitical prccepts,[upphnt &overt hrow *c:ir adverfariec, tsmch thcmfdvcs, gcthonours,diffcmb\cj butwlu.! i~~~ to ~CbeM effi~or rtcfcrvauon ofaCommon..w:alth?l . po.