v v D • M o c R r Tu s tn the Reader. u Plato l.· Je all fuch places,fo will I ordaine" publike governours, fit officers to each l,g.M:J'{" ui place,Treafurers,£diles,Q!!e!lors,Overfeers ofpupils,widows ooods ;;::;;:,~,:~t and all publike houfes,&c. and rhofe once ayear tomake lhict ac~ount; '"·P"'"'·PW•- ofall receipts,expences,ro avoidc.onfufion, &ftcjet utnonabfomant (as ':,({p;~!;,e;::,. Pliny to Trajan,)qt~od pudeat dicere. They !hall be fubordinate to thofe J"ide I(oacum higher officers and governours ofeach City, wh1ch !hall not be poore !~~~':;./e Tradefn:en,and meane ~mficers,but Noblemen and Gentlemen,which .,,., omnia,&c.lhall be ned to refidencemthofetownes they dwell next,at fuch fct times GMardum & and feafons: for I fee no reafon (which' HippolitU< complaines of)that it ~";; Tncrem. foould be more dijhonourable for Noblemen to governe the Ctty, then the urh.cap.q.I•- Country ,or unfeemly to dwt!lthere now,thenofold.Y I will have no bogges. ~=~~{;";~;;: fennes,marilhes,vafi woods, de(errs, heaths, commons, but all inclofed; curignoliliu. (yet nor depopulated, and therefore take heedyoum1fiake me nor) for fitu~ber bene thatwhich is common, and every mans, is no mans; the richefi countries :::.:·~~-~";_' are fiil inclofe~,as E/fe:<,Kent, with us,&c.Sfaine,Italy;and where inclolim,.aut ••{« fures are leafi mquanmy, they are bell: "husbanded, as about F lorei'Jce in ;".1~:f~~effi: ltaly,Damaftus inSyri~, &c. whicharelikergardensthen ndols. I will lli•m v>en.. not have abarren acremall my Termones, not fo much as the tops of FoUot,<k N<<>- mountaines;\vhere nature failes,it !hallbe fupplied by art: •lakes <~nd ri- ~·~e ••ntiNom vers.lhall not be left defolate.All common high-wayes,bridges, bankes, !l•i<km fol.• ,._ cornv:mons of waters,aque?uets,ch~els~pubhke workes,bmldmg,&c. ;-~;:~ ~:~;- out ofa ~co~mon ftock,cuno~fiy mamtamed and kept mrepaire; no de. rum fit nepot- populanons,mgroilings, alteranons ofwood, arable, bur by theconfenf lice~ fuid<m offome fupervifors,that thall be appointed for that purpoie, to fee what :f;~;t~ft~~~ reformation ought to be had in ~ll places,what is ami1fe,how to helpe it, lem •uti•f«- Et q;u:dqH.tqtte(erat rtg:o,& qrudqu.tquerecufet, :'/,~";.;:~·- whatgroundisaptefi for woo~, whatforcorne! what. for cattle, gar~ ~emi ngi"' .o~u- dens,orchards,filhponds,&c.w!th achantabledJvJfionmeveryVillage, t.•fi•""'.J' (notone dominering houfe greedily ro [wallow up all,which is too com- :~~~btu. monwith us) what for Lords,' what for tenants: and becaufe they !hall -zM.CM..,inbebetterincoaraged to improve fuch lands they hold, macure, plant Ills 5"'".J/ r,r,h trees, dreane, fence, &c. they !hall have long leafes, aknowne rem, and .~td-o:e ~"known fine,to free them f~om rhofe inrolcr:able exa.ctions of tyrannizing ~ounttyw.~s Landlords. Thefe fupervifors lhalllikewlfe appomt what quantity of ~u~~J!:, land ia each Manor is fit for the Lords d Demefnes, what for holding of tdranl/ewacer, Tenants, how it ought to be husbanded, tdtdeac ~ttle or fl't' Magnetesequis, Miny«gtns cognitaremis, ~~~;f.~:-!J:;y how tobe manured,rilled,rettified,andwhat proportion is fit for all ea!.· :trr~um'::: .lings,becaufe private poffe1fours are many t.imes idiots,i)l husbands,op-· wcm bare leg-pre1fours,coverous,and know not how. to 1mprove the1r owne, or clfe •ed, cheir wholly refpect thm owne,and notpubhkegood. ~well;ng wd" Vtopian parity is akinde ofgovernment, to be wilhed for, 'rather then corre1pC11n em; . . ,. . but fmce iriclofure,thtf live decen~y,.·md ha~ ~ony to lpe.nd. (fob. 3.) when ~en Ji~~ds':"erc common,thcir wooll was courfc,Cornifb baucibut lincc mclofurc, st 11 almofi: :1s guod as C•if-wol, and theu fade much mended, 'ruffer ~ap. s 1 . of his husbandry, is of his opinion, one :1crc mclofcrl, is worth three comn\on.Tbt Ctn4ntry inclofodi prai(t~ 2'btother dtlighteib not mt, For notlring.; 'A'tdllbit .loth raift,(g'c. a Imredibilil na'l.ligior"m copia, nihilBpautioJet inaquil,fudmin continenti commortJiitl4r.M: Ricchu btpeJit.inSilJIU,l,I.f.J: b .To Uus purpofc Arijl.polit.:t . .:.6. allowcs a third part of then rcvcnewcs, El_1pp9Umt14 h3lf. cltalex Ag,rana oltm Rom.r. d Hie ftt..tttr, i!lir. tt~tnitlntj.elici10 uv.e, .AtboTtifietus alibi, at~ mjuffa 'l)irefwnt GrtJmi114.1'irg.I.Gtorg. c LUC41UI4l. 6. floh.Y4frnt• .IV!bet14) LorilYm141h· g So i~ !~~'~he kiugdomc of Naples and France. effected