DB M o c R I -r us to the Reader. m simler"' in as the other.No impropriations,no Jay patrons ofchurch livin<>s;or one H.t verio. privateman,but common focieties,corporations,&c. and tbofc Redors n t/.topienftt caufid<<OS ex- of benefices to be cbofen out oftbe Univerlities,examincd and approved cludunt,qu< k as the literatt in ChmA. No Parin1 to comaine above a tboufand A udi" ';;f!;.J,":,;,._ tors.Ifitwere pollible,I would have fucb priefis as lhould imitateChrift , ocnr (!]' Jifru- charitable lawyers lbouldlove their neighbors as themfelves, temperat~ ~:~z:;;(e~;- and modell .Phylicians, Politicianscpntemnetheworld, Philofopbm hominemuPu lbould know themfelves,Noblemenhve honefily, Tradefmenleave ly- ;~j:~/~f,':,: ing and cofening, Magiftr~tes corruption, &c. but this is. unpollible, I .,fioresfunt, muft get fuch as I may .I wlil therefore have m of lawyers, Judges, advo- ~udm ut perle- cates,phylicians, chirurgions,&c.afer number," and everyman, if it be ~}:,.e,~;;;:"' pollible, to plead bisowncaufe? to telltbattaletotbejudge, which he sudm uta 4,.. doth to h1s advocate, as at :Fez m Afr•cke,Bantam, Aleppo,Ragufe, (t•am ~"f:JG'::),~;l- qnif#t caufom d1c~re tenetur. Thofe_ Advocates,Chirurgions and" Phylif~in 4uif§ clans,wb1ch are allowed,to be mamramed out ofthe P common rreafure, ""Ji!m agot, no fees to be given ortaken, upon paine of lolingtheir places; or if they ~j'~. "f"•' do, veryfmallfees, and whenqtbecaufeis fully ended. ' He that fues a- ,::,,;~,;::,"j.,_ nyman, /hall put in a pledge, which ifir be proyed be bath wrongfully ••' patrono,fic fued his adveriary,ralhly or maliciouily,be /ball forfeit and lofe. Or elfe ;'~':,~~'::beforeartyfuitbegin, theplaintilfe /hall have his complaint approved •ttM facili"' by a fet delegacy to that purpofe; 1f 1t be ofmoment he /hall be fulfered ~;;;~·;~"· as before, to proceed,ifo.therwifethey /ball determine ir.All cauf,s /hall c'Mrdiciexpu- be pleaded Juppreffo nomrne,rhe parues namesconcealed,,ffome circum. i~~~.~~":::er. ft~nces d<;> not otherwife require. Judges ~nd or her officers llJ_all beaptly f '·'·' "' <VE- d1fpofed m each Provmce, V 1llagcs, Cmes, as common arbmatours ra t.YP''"·· hearecaufes, and end all controverlies, and thofenot lingle, but threeat ~:Deb~ lege, 8 leaft on the bench at once,to determine or give femence and thof~ againe o1e ~:;: i;,fi;;, to lit by turnes or lots,and not to continue fiilin the fame office.NoconqNilil,; clim- troverfieto depend above a year,but without all delayes,and further ap- :'::;,f:,~:;~. peales,to befpeedily difpatc~ed, . and finally concluded· in that timeal- ~fil"""' tufi>U-lotted. Thefe and all orher mfenour Mag!llrates to be chofen f as the ~·ft·~·;'~ L iterati inChina,orbythofe exactfulfrages ofthe ' Venetians,andfudt r·{f.':Co';/ again not be eligible,or capable ofmagifiracies,honours,offices, except ~of\ f= riries tbey be fufficiemly u qualified for learning,manners, & that hy the firitl: 'f !~":::{;;,. approbation ofdeputed examinators: x firfi Scholars to take place, then rxpeJ.in Sin"' Souldiers;for I am off/igetim hisopinion,a Scholardeferves better then ~:;;;;;;;1:~- aSouldier, becaufe Vntm ttatu funt qu<tfo~titer fi"nt, qu.e vero proutiOionu"'"l'•ft l1tate Re>pub. Jcr~buntur, .eterna: a Sould1ets worke !ails for an age, a ogit, &<. Scholars for ever. Ifthey Y misbehave themfelves,rhey lhall be depoled, ;~:.~;;;,~.:~- and accordingly punilbed,andwhether their offices be annual z or othern Ofor.l.' '· Je wi[e, once a yeare they /ball be called in que/lion, and give an account ;. ':;7:~i~~·;- for menare partialland pallionate, mercilelfe,covetous,corru~t, fubject •axim" pro- to love,bate,feare,favour,&c .omneft•b regnograv10re regnum:hke Solons ~:!'::l't::!-"' Areopagites,or thofe Roman Cenfors, fome /ball vilit others, and ' be vi. ,.;~ affiC11mtur,ftcunJw.. bon~risgra~ mili?~ Qffl{.natur,poflrer:ni or~iniJ mtcFJm:icU,Joflorum .hominum.~udiciU in alttorem locum quiffi prtejmur ,tt qut a plurtmu approb•tur,Qmpltortr tn rtp. d1gnuattr conftquttwr.~~e mhoc t't.. IU!iixepriTIUU habet ,iifig,ni ptt tot am vitam dit,mtate ittfignitur, marchifJni jimilU,aut Juci apud nor. x CeJant arm11 trjgtt. y A SIO Berna,Lucern~. Friburte Ill S'lllitt_trland, :1. Vl.UOUS liverts unopa~l~ of anr o~ cc; if l Senator, In. lbndy dcfpofcrl.si,.!er.,, x Not above lht~< yruo.JI,r<fi·P•IJt.J .t.8. a N•m t•• <Pjlflliltt •tfo• <>jloJm · ·-- · · ---·-- ·- --- - fired