68 D s "'o c a I Tu s tu the Reader. would require a volume. Manum de tabella, I havebeene ovcrtediousin this fubject; I could have here willingly ranged, but thefc firaits wherein I amincluded, will not permit. From Common-wealths and Cities, I will defcend to Families, which have as many corlives &molefiations, as frequent difconrcnts as the reft. Great aflin!tY there. is betwixt a Poli:icall and Oeconomicall body ; they •tib·l·P"'· differ only m mJgnttudeand proportion ofbulineUe (foScaitg<r' writes) t•f,;.~:;.,,. as they have both likely the fame period,as b Bo~in and' Peuccr hold, out pub."f·'· ofPlato,lix orfeven hundred yeares, fomanyumes they have the fame ,c Peu~er.ub.r. meanes oftheir vexation and overrhrowes; as namely, riot, acommon ru- ~;:~:;:;;. ine ofboth;riot in building, riot in profufefpending, xiotinapparell, &c. cbr/hire. bcitin what kinde foever, it produceth the fame effects. AdCorographer ofours [peaking obiter ofancient Families, why they are fo frequent in theNorrh,cominue fo long, are fo foone extinguifhed in the South,and fofew; gives no other reafon burrhis, luxw omniadifsipavit, riothath confumed all. Fine clothes and curious buildings came into this Illand, as he notes in his Annals, not fo many yeareslince,non fine dijprndio hoffitalitatu, to the decayofhofpitality. Howbeit many times that word ismifiaken, andunderrhename ofbounryand hofpitality, is fhrowded cJliad.6 .ub. riot and prodigality;and that which is commendable in it fdfe well ufed, f PiJe Puteani bath beenemiftaken heretofore, is become by his abufe, the bJne and utter ~~:·;;;:,;;;!: ruine ofmany a noble family.For fome menliv.e like the richglurron,contofir , •• ;,m>· fuming themfelves and the1r fubfiance by conrmuall feafimg and mvitati- {lrorum rem- ons, with' Axt!onin f{omer, keepeopen houfe forallcommers, giving ~';';;~bile Ji- entertainment to fuch as vilit them, fkee.ping a table beyond their meanes, {fuefl,quan- and acompany of idle fervants (though not fo frequent as of old) are '"'"'!!:,~';,.. blowne up on afudden ;and as Afl.ton was by his hounds, devoured by fi,;utu Jieh"' their kinfmen, friends, and multitude of followers. g It is awonder that :';!!:,=::!.:;; Faulm Iovim relates ofour Nonherne Countries, what~n infinitedeale i•omner pene ofmcan:veconfume~mourrables: that I_ m~ytruly fay, us not boumy, ~'"" calenti- not ho(p!tahty, as 1t 1s often abufed, but not mexceffe, gluttony,and pro- ~7:/J.;,~;;.•- digalitie, ameere vice; it brings in debt, want and beggery, hereditary difBritan. e&fes,confumes the1r fortunes, and ovenhrowes the good temperature of b Lib.'· de "P· their bodies. To this I might here well adde their inordinate expence in ~:Jf:;~~quod building, thofe phantalticall houfes, turrets, walkes,parkes, &c. gaming, •••fo forenfts, exceffe ofpleafure, and that prodigious riot in apparel!, by which meanes :~:lZ:~:','::,_ theyarecompelled tobreakeup houfe, andcreepimo holes. Sefel!im in menJUm peodu-- his Common-wealth ofh France,g1vcsthree rea!ons why the French No. <antur,0' ma- bility were fo frequently bankrupts: Firft be&aufe they had (o many law. f~~f:;;f,':,,a,forts and contentions, one upon another, >vhich were tediom and coft!y: by jitutju~uaJ.. whtchmeanesttcame to pafft, that commonly Lawyers bought them .,,t of '"'"iJI"/f'" theirpojftftions.AJecontlcattft >V M' thezr not, they ltvedbeyond thur means, ;':J,,Oi:.~;•;_ andwere therefore fw•llowed up by MerchAnts. (La.Nove aFrench writer, !"'''"'''""', yeelds five reafons _of his coumry.mens poverty,to the fam~effett almoft, !"!dftmt;,"l and thinkes venly 1f the Gentry of France were d1v1ded mto ten pans, :;:~:;;,,b., eight of themwould be found much empaired, by [ales, morg:tges, and jj{,~J;~ffi~~~ debts, or wholly funke in their efiates. )The laft wM immoderate exce!ft in ~•fli.,.,ur,<':r< appareP, whtchco,fomedthur rwmuu, How~h1s concernes and agn;es wuh