D • M o c R 1 T u s to the Reade~. confiderateintheirproceedings, how they dote, every page almofr will witnelfe, -deliranl reges, pleEltmtur L/Lc.htvi. Next in place, next in miferies and difcoments, in all manner of hairbraineadions are great men,procul a IO'Ve, procu/ a fit/mine, the nearer the worfe. Ifthey live in Court, they are-up and downe, ebbe and flow witlt their Princes favours,Ingenium vu/tujfatfi, cadtt& (uo, now aloft,to morr Lib.t.hifl. rowdown, as•· Polybim defcribesthem, ltke fomany caftingCounters ,now f,;':',;{,';,;~' a- ofgold, tomorrow ofjilver, that vary imvorth as the computantwifl;now they c.lculu,fecull- jfand(or umtes, to morrow for thoufonds; now before all, and anonhehinde. ~;,~;,'~';'!;;';,_ Befide.rhey torment one another with mutual! fadions~ emulatic.ns: one um mod,.,.; IS ambmous, another enamoured,a third mdebt, aprodigal!, over-runnes fo;r,modoau- his fortunes, afourth follicirous with cares,gets nothing,&c. But forthefe rei;ad""'"f: . mens difcontems, anxieties, I refer you to Luciani Trad, de mercede con. (!,;,':::,:~ ,.t~' due? is, f lEneas Sylvius (/ibidirtff & jfultitire {erv~s, hecals them) .tlgripftri. pa, and many others. · ~"t;~7:'f.sl OfP?ilofophers and Scholars,prifr£ fapientire di{fatores ,I havealready vemijir.cu- fpoken mgeneral! termes, thofe fupenntendents of Wit and learrung, mm ; 1 ;!1 ;;:;, 1 • E- above men,thofe refined men, Minions of;he Mufes, " pid.lib.t.c. 1 3 . - t menttmqt1e habere queM bonam u Hoccogno- · Et ef!e ncorculM datum eft.---- . {;!~";;::;~~~ xThefeacute and fubtile Sophifiers,~o muchhonored, have as much need wem mma- ofHellebor as others. ---Y o Medtet medtam pcrtundite vcnam. t•:f;~;::;:;,_ Reade Lu:ians Pifcator, and tell how h~ elleemed them; Agrippa's Trad ~1, Plin.tib. 7 • ofthe vamty ofSc1ences;nay reade their own works, their abfurd tencnts, "P·H·. prodigious paradoxes, & rifom tcncati; amzci? You flJallfindethatof ;a~~l~1r:!~- Arijlotiecrue,mlllmn magnum ingenium finemixttt-r~ dement~£, they h~ve ti"' n~odofi., a worme as well as otbers;you fhall finde a phantafricall frrame, a fufr1an, m,d bl the a bumbafr, avainglorious humour, an affeded flile, &c. like a promine!lt ;~~~;;r: threed in an uneven woven cloth, runne parallel throughout their workes. And they that teach wifdome,patience,meeknelfe,are the veriefr dizards, asalomon. hairebraines, and mofr difcontent. 'In the multitude ofwifedome i; grtefe, and he that increafeth wi(cd•me, encreafeth (orrorv. I need not quote mine author;they that laugh and contemn others,condemne the world offolly, . deferveto be mocked, are as giddy-headed, and lie as open as any other. b communidr- b Democritm that common flouter offolly,was ridiculous himfelfe,bark- , ri(Or flulriri<. ing Mcnippus, fcoffing Lucian, fatyricall Luczli~M, Petror~ius, Varro, Perjius,efrc. may becenfured with therefr, Loripedem rec?us derideat, .tEthio. pem albus. Bale,Erafmtu,Hojpinian, Vives, Kemmjius, explode as ava!l Ocean of obs and Sols, Schoole divinity, 'A labyrinth of intricable queeWitwhither frions, unprofitable contentions, incredtbilem delir~ionem, one calls it. w.!t?. If Schooledivinity befo cen{ured,fobtt/i;dScotus 'limavcritatu,Occ•m ~r~~~;~;~:~- irrefragttbilis, cujtu ingenium vet erA omnia i~genia(ubve~tit, &c. Bac~n- ' l'it.ej... thrope ~ D•. Refolutus, and C ormlum Theologt~, Thomas himfelfe, Dodor fEnni.... T 'Seraphicus,cui dztlavit vfngclus, &c. what fhall become of huma- ~~;;:;,~~h':i, nitie~ v1rsftulta, whatcanfheplead~ Whatcanher followers fay for olime.><pra;jlu- them{elves.Muchlearning1cere.diminuit-brt<m,haih crackttheir skonce, =~~f.~~'J;~~·- and taken fuch root, that tribus .Anticyri; caput infanabilt, Hellebor it fl<tur. fclfecandoe no good, nor that renownedgLanthorne of Epiflettu, by , · which