Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

D E M o c R I ·r u s t• tht Reader; 7.1 which 1£any man fiudied, he lhould b_eas wife ash~ was:. But all will not ferve;R hetoricians, in oftentattonem l~qstactlatu multa agttant,oitt oftheir volubility oftongue, will ·talke much to .no purpofe; Orators can perfwadeother men what they·will, quovoi11nt, unde volrmt, move;•pacifie, e.c;;·: but cannotfettle their owne braines: -what f.1ith T11Uj? Mal~ indij(r- . , tam p_ruden~iam, _quam ioquacem jf11~tttram; and ~s 9,seneca f~conds hun, ~f.:f,~ :;.~:;, a wife mans Orauon lhould.not be polite or fohcttous. ' Fabuu efieemes ,.,;,,.,. fopi· 110 better of'?oft ofthem, either in fpeech, acrioo, gefiure, then ai_ men ;;'::!,j,;,~~ befide ·themlelves, mfanos duiamatores ;fo cloth Gr.egory, No" miht faptt ,.,.. IJ"i.fermone, fodqui fac1ufaptt. Make the befi of him, a good O,rator is a ~~;;/::C;;,~; turn-coat, an e~tl man, bomu Oratorfe{st~m 111r, hts tongue IS fee to fale, j•l!atiom: fuhe is ameere v01ce, ask he fatd ofa Ntghttngale; dat fine mmte fonum, an "'"'"pea... . hyi)erbolicallliar, a flatterer, a parafite, anli as 1 Ammiamu M a~celltnH4 {~:";;.~_'""'"· will a corruprctng-cofener; one that cloth more mtfch'.efe by hts.fatre fpee· 'k L·pfi... '~~"" che; then he that bribes by,mony;for amantnay withmore facility avoid funt ,pr<terc• him 'that circumvents by .mony, then him that deceives with _glofing i'~: ~.,o.pl"' termes; wluch mademsocratesfo much.abhorand explode them. "Fra- m•l'f'"" 'Vi· caftorilll a famous Poet, freely grants all Poets to be mad; fo cloth " Scali. derurqui.ora- • ger; and w.ho doch not~ Au~ uifanit.fomo, attt .verr'focit~Hor.Sat.~.i.z .. ~;;~;~~;,i.."' Ir{antrelubet, '· vcrfm componert. Vrrg .3.Eg-l. fo ~erptm mcerpretslr,all · ~u cmvmpltr. Poets are mad, a company ~fbitter S~tyrifis, de~r:ufro;s, or.elfe parafiri- :_;~~.~i. ' call applauders: and whaus Poetry n fdfe;· b~e:as A.o'jhn botds,- f'tnum, PI"'''"'· . errorif ab ebrttS_ do{lmb11s picpmatum?•Youmay gw~ ~hat-cenfure ofthem ~~~,"!;';,;•· !n gen~rall, which Str ThomM Moo~e onc~dtd ofG:e,manm B•riXI';" Poe1ns ty•.. ,&c. ptparucula·t· ~--- vebuntttr . (' .. . r · H':r· .~~ •., ..J!I.. .. qWJ~ittfllrit•. · . . lm!e ftultrt~.t,(jlvAm halltfant Furt.iJ,'.< . ' · ·' · ' ':.:~;~;~:~";, Bud,.m m an Eptftle ofhts to Lupfetm, ·. wt11 have•c1Vlll Law to be the & Poet•,&•; tower ofwifedome ;another honours Phyficke, ~he-Q!inteffetici: of Na- ' ture; a t~ird tumbles them bo~h downe, and fets up'the flag of his owne· peculiar [cience.Your fup :·rcilious <:;riticks,Gramma!icall triflers,Noremakers, curious.Antiquaries, finde out all the ruidesofwic, ineftiarum. . ., tietrct,u ,amongfi the rubbtlh of old wmers; P Proft.ultu habent niftaiup•td f;~~~ ""li (u!Jicw<tinvemre, qu•dm·attorrtmJmptu vertantvmo, allfooles with · them that cannot find fault; th~y correcr others, & are.hoc in acold caufe; puzzle themfelves to finde out how·many fireecs in· Rome, houfes, gates; - towers, Homers country, .IEnea mother, Niobes daughters, an Saphcpub: licafuerit?ovrms lpriw extiterit anga!lma, &c. & aliaqu.t dtdrfcendaef- qMacroUO:. . font foi e ,ft [wu ,as' Seneca holds. What cloches the Senltors did wear in ~"'iJ;;.~·6• i Jl.o"!e, what !hoes,how they fate, where they went tcrtheclofe fiool, how . many d11hes m at?effe,whac fawce rwh1chforrhe ptefenc for an hiftorian to relace,Caccordtng to Lodo•Jic. J7"t~rs,is v~ry ridiculous, is to r~em moft ~:;!!-~;~:!:.. prec10us elaborate ftuffe, ~hey admtred for tt, and as proud,asmumphant rp > in the meane ttme. for thts difcovery, as ·,if they had wonne a city, or· conquered a provmce; · as nch astfthey had found<tMineofGoldore. 1fl!!.ofvii authores •hfordil commentil ft•io p'ercaca"t &ftercorant, onefaith, they bewray and dawbe a company of bookes and good Authors, wir!t .. . . .. thetr abfurd <;o_mmems,.correflorum fterq~ti/inia, • Scaligercals them,and j.~:;·'i.~"; iliew thetr Wtt m cenfurtng others, a company of foolilh note-makers, <6' P: · t humbl~- ·