Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

74 D • M o c R 1 T u s to the Reader. faid it, and thou peradventure as ma_d to readc it. d F.<lix Platmu is of d C•~·'' alie11. opinionall Alcbemifls are mad,out ot their wits;' Alheneus faith as much :;';~fophifl. ofFidlers, & mt~far~tn~lttfcimaJ_., fMuficiaos, omnes tibicines infaniunt,uhi lib.&: . feme! efflant, avolat z{/zco mens, mc_ornes muficke at one eare, out goes wit ;;;~;,";~;,;. at another. Proud and vain-glorious perfonsare certainly mad; and fo are Erafm.c/iil. 4 . gJafcivious; I can feele thmpulfes beat lmher, bornemad fome ofthem ''"·7· toletotberslyewiththeirwives,and winkeatit. ' ;.~;~~~;~~;~;, To infifl h in all particulars, wereanHercu/eantaske,to; reckon up t.;,_ 'rogononfurOi' [anaJiebJlrtt{#tones, znfanos iaberes, tnfonum lttxum, tnad labours, mad '/:,;;;:~:~:" bookes,endea vours,carriages,g~offe ignorance,ridiculous actions, abfurd mens.Mart. ep. geftures; infanamgtdam, tnfamamvJIIttrttm,tnfanaJUrgta, as Ttt!ly termes ~ t;1; pueH•- them, madne!Te of villages? frupend. frructures; as thofe l£gyptian pyra- ""' <7 puero- m1ds, Labynnths and.Sphmges,wlucb a company of ~rowned affes, ad '"'" milte,u- ojlentattOncm oprem, vamly bmlt,when neither the Arclmect nor Kmg that :•;;:;,.JI illfo· made them~ or tO wha_t ufeand purpofe,are yet knowne: To infifl in their " "' IJOtum. hypocrifie,,nconfrancle,bhndndfc,ralhnes, dementem tementatem,fraud, R" · ovid. cofenage,malicc,anger, impudence, ingratitude, ambition, grotle fuper- ~~7;~:;~:36. frition, z umpora inji:Cfa6· AdttlationejOrdida, as in TiberittS times, li.1ch· z Tacitus 3 • bafc flattery, flupend, parafincall fawmng andcollogmng, &c. brawles, Annat. conflicts, defires, contentions, it would askean expert Yejalitts to anatomizeevery member. Shall I fay ~ lttpiter himfelfe, Apollo,Mars,&c. doted; andmonfrer-conquering H ercrdes that fubdued the world,and helped othcrs,could not relieve bimfelfin this,but mad he was atlafl.And where a ovid:J.mtt; fhallaman walke, converfewith whom, in what Province, City, and noii :O~:~~~;:~~im meet with Signior Deliro, or Hercules Ft?rens, M£nades, and Coryb~tntes? cwinrbipri- Their fpeechesfaynolefTe. 'Efimgisnati homines, orelfe they fetched ':c:~f),'":;;oci their pedegree from thofc that were frru;k by Samtfon with the jawbone (lolidi & fatui ofan affe.Or from Dereca!ton and Pyrrha s Hones, for drmm•genruJitmtts, fungi'""" di- b marmoreiJiemttS, we are frony-hearted,and favour toomuch ofthe frock, ';}'.'';1 7;; ~1::::. as ifthey had allheard that inchanted horn ofAjfolphq that Englilh Duke LFamim>.srra. in Ariofto, which never founded but alllus aud1tors weremad,and for fear ~·de b'!luLu, ready to make away themfelves;'or landed in the mad haven in the E~txine ,:,:;::,~;,r• re- fea ofDaplmisinfana, which had a fecret qualit-y to dememate; they area c Ariau~•pcri~ company ofg1ddy heads,afternoone-men,Jt IS M1dfomer moone Hil,and ~~j,:~;:~:;"- the Dogdaieslafr;~ll theyeare long, they are all mad. Whom lhall I then nmmnit;~ except~ Vlrtctls Huttemes d nemo,nam ;tJemo omnzlms horts foptt, Nemo na. ~~;,;:;,·~;~fcitt!r fine vitii~, Crimine Nemo caret, N ~mo Jor:e {iMvivit cont~ntus, Nccio ~ 1m11,u5 mo zn amore{aptt, Nemo bonus} Nemofapuns, ~ emo, efl ex omnt partebeainfo>~qn••t- tlls, &c. and therefore NicholMNemo, orMonfieur No-body lhall go free, ~[:;,:~,~~"' .f<!!.idvaleat Nemo, Nemo reftrre potefl? But whom fhall I except in the feomnes in(ania cond place~ fuch.as are filef!t, virJapit qut pauca loqr~ttrer; 'no better way t,::;~·::;:::· to avoid follyand madne~e, then by taciturnity: Whom in a third~ all ment,&c. Senators,Maglflrates ;for all fortunate menare wife, and conquerors va. d Lepidumpoe-liant, and fo are all great men, non ejl bonum ludere Cltm diis, they are wife m•ficm[m- by authority, good by their office and place, his licet impu11e pefsimoJ r:,~ititi.mfl- e!fo, (fomefay) we muflnot fpeakeofthem, neither is it fit; permejiJit ;;~~ft ;:;:;!'" omnitS protinres alba,. I will not thinke amiffe of them. Wholl_l next~ tutnirate. Sro1cks~ Sapmu Sto~tM, and he alone1s filbJeCttono p.erturbanons, as . f I'llltArch