Burton - PR2223 A1 1638

SymptomeJ ofthefrjl Partition. iHeadach, binding, heavinelfe, vertigo, lightndl'e' rr b d tinging of the cares, much waking, fixed eyes' I n ° 'I high colour, red eyes, hard belly, dry body, n~ rHead me· great figne ofmelancholy in the other part>.! jlancholy. ~ Or . . . . Sub. 1. j (Contmuall fearc, forrow, fnfp1t1onl difcoiltent, fu~ . ) perfluous cares, folicirude, anxiety, perpetuall Un mmd) cogitation offuch toyes they are poffc!fed with, l thoughts like drcames, &c. ) Winde, rumbling in the guts, belly ake, heat in the bowels, convul(ions , crudities , Jhort winde, fowre and lharp bolchings, cold fweat, paine in I Hy~o~ 1 rrn body~ the left fide, fuffucation, palpitation, heavinell'e ~~~ ~~a- ofthe h~art, finging in die cares, much fpittle, $ J . d' ~ andmmft,&c. Particular \ w•f •e 1 Or fymptomes m: ~n- ~Fearfull,fad,fufpitious, difcontent, anxiety,&c. La~ totheth.:ee , ~ '6~· Linmind fcivious byreafonofmuchwinde,troublefome cliftinCtfpe-. 1 u • • clreames, af!Ctled by lits,&c. cies.Stf/.3, M•mb.:. I 1 bod {Biacke,moftpartleane, broadvdnes,gro!fe,rhicke Over all ~ 11 Y bloud,their hemrods commonly ll:opped,&c. \ the body. Or . ' Sub. 3. . a{Fearfull, fad, folitary, hate lighr, averfefrom com• I In mm pany,fear:ull ~rcames,&c. · · - 1 1 Symptomes ofNunnes, Maids, and Widowes melancholy; in body an4 I . nJinde; &c. . I rWhy they are fo fearful,fad,fufpitious without a caufc,why fo~ Areafon \litary,why melancholy men are witty,why they fuppofethey I (>fthefe hcore and fee ftrange voices,vifions, apparitions. ' fymp- ' Why theyprophefie,andfpeak ftrangelanguages,whencecome!i I tomes. I their crudity,rumbling, convulfions, cold fweat, heavine!fe of LMemb.3 heart, palpitation, cardiaca, fi:arfull drcameo, mnchwaking, l prodigious phantaties. 'SMorphew,Scabs,Itch,Breaking out,&c. . B!acke J andife. rTendmg to ~:ood, as)Ifthe Hemrods voluntarily open. • I <..Ifvarices appeare. C I Inveterate melancholy is incurable. I ~Leannelfe,drine!fe, hollow-eyed,&c.' Progno· Ten<ling to evil, as Ifcold, it degenerates ofren into Epileptic; Apa• fticksofme-~ plexy, Dotage,or into Blindndfe. · lancholy. I If hot, into madneffe,defpaire,and violent death: &ea+ I · r The grievoufne!fe ofthis above all other difeafes: I The djfeafes ofthe minde are more grievous then I 1 thofe of the body. Corollaries and <Whether it be Jawfull in this cafe ofmelancholy, \.. queftiom. 1 for a man to ofler violence to himfelfc,Ne.t. 1 How a melancholy or mad man offering violence l to himfelfe, is to be ccnfured: