Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Augufl 1[7. 1662. "911 when you are converted, isyet undone. Though you are lureyour converfion is true, how many temptations to refiff, enemies to conquer, duties to perform, and Heaven to be taken upon all thole terms, as the tenor of your Chriflianity ! therefore you had need to Rand faft, and having done all, toRand, you have need not only to'believe, but to wait and be patient in believing 5 and to pro- ceed in the way you have chofen. 6. The want of firength and building tip, makes the lives ofma- ny full of lamentable languifhing weakneffes, fcandals unto others pain, calamity, and trouble to themfelves. How long in healing And howmuch fmart and pain, while the fruit of their own folly is cured How little, and how frequently do temptations prevail ?., And henceas in a wildernefs, they are goingone Rep forward, ano- ther backward ; no evident keeping in God, and all through the fruit of their own languifhing weaknef§; the fruits of the fins, of Profeffors have been filch, that it fhould make you doaall you can pollible tOefcapethe troubles at home, and reproaches,abroad. 7. A life of fpiritual weaknef§,is dually a burden unto him that hath it ; it cloth not onlyoccafion his falling into fin, and fia renews the wounds ofhis foul, but is a confront burden to NM; not that any meafure of Grace is troublefome, but that which confilts with lb great a meafureof remaining corruption, this is the burden : lick- nefs is burdenfome though there be life.. Methinks you fhould not then be reconciled to your fears ; you fhould methinks fee fo great difference between the lick and well, that for your own-peace fake you fhould feek after confirmation. Every duty they do is their pain, which i anothers pleafure, prayer, &c. their burden ; fome- tithes tir'd, weari'd, dull, &c. prefently overwhelmed with tempta- tation : every duty is a grieKance to them through the weaknefs of their grace and their corruption. 8. Ghriftians that are weak and not confirmed,lofe abundanceof the fruit of Gods Ordinances that are improved by others. How many a truth that taftes exceeding tweet to others, have no great 'thin to them, nor growthby it ! A healthy man hath more relifh in ordinary fai e, then a lick perfon in varieties : the full amuck loaths the Willy- comb. 9. The weak and Unconfirmed Chrillian,is unprofitable compa- ratively unto others ; not that the Church would with the weakeft member out, lint comparatively unconfirmed Chriflions are very unprofitable unto others; like little children the family that muff be looked to, make work for a great many more about them, What doth a lick perfon ? but thework of others is to feed, rapport, and N 2 be