Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Auguit 17.166.2- Too that you grow not to carnal apprehenfions of your happineiS. Live' upon heaven, and let that be it that hull animate your faith to du- ty : and all that you may hill be weary of vexations and .fenfible of the vanities here below : Let your conver Cation be above. Be con- firmed in your apprehenfions of the certainty and excellency of e- ternal bleffednefs ; -grow more in heavenly mindednefs, and in fa tisfaetion of foul, in the hopes you have of thee things. 9. Underhand the nature, method, and power of temptations how to rehh them , and live in watchfulners. Be not a' ftranger to Satan and his methods of tempting, what you have to watch a- gainfl and oppofe, where you mull be armed. Underhand the na- ture of Chriffian watchfmlnefs ; keep up a confiant reColution and courage in refilling, eiPecially the temptations you carry about with you, of your calling, couflitution, company, and of the times; let them down, remember them, keep a fpecial oblervation of them all: and fay this and this it is I am in danger of and 'di my inte- grity, and Salvation that's in danger, and here place a fpecial guard, and make it your Wind's to refill. The principal cattle of Chrilti- ans negligence id this, is the fecurity of their, confciences , and love of their fins : did you know your danger, you would better lookafter your fafety, 2 Cor. II. Efpeciatly underhand howmuch the flejh and carnal Pelf is an enemy to God and your fouls c and how much you are engag- ed by the Chriftian Covenant to live in a warfare againfl your laves,. and againtl your flefh. You matt not think the life of felf-pleating is confiflant with Religion : underhand how you are bound to take the flefh for your enemy, to watch againft it, and to live in a con- tinual combat with it, Col. 3. 5. The flefh is your chieleft enemy : the very fettles themfelves areall grown inordinate, and the wor4 of faith is very much leen in its exercife this way : Ifyou get an °pi- on that you may eat and drink, and cloath, &c. and do all things to gratifie your (elves, &c. then no wonder ifyou fiud but little in- creafe in 1pirituals while you grow In carnal. Underhand and pra.-- &ice the duty of `elf : denial, fell is thevery heart of fin : read it not under pretenceof liberty in Religion. II. Give not way to a formdt, heartlefre , .feenzing Righteoufnere,. CKioniarinege, without the life : but keep your fouls in a continual & awakednetre about God,immortality,and your great concernments. Ifduty be dead, take heed left that incline you to a deadneffe in another , and, fo grow to a cuttomarie deadneffe. Take heed of Cpiritual flothfulnas,that makes you keep your hands in