Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

io8 Mr. Baxter's Sermon. .And if ever inch a conceit come in your minds, that you are strong confirmed Chriflians,do not eafily entertain it : there mull be time, . induarie and diligence : ordinarily CM-pea the conceit you may haveof flrength and confirmation; you mutt grow by degrees : Gods method is to begin like agrainof muJiard-reed: we are not born men : labour in the proper means with Patience ; infided gifts are gi- ven according to the manner of acquiring them : God gives, as if our acquifition did attain it : never think of having this without patience, labour and diligence. 2. Grow up in the Church of God , and under his Office-5i and Ordinances,& among his people : Do not tranfplant your felves from the garden and vineyardof theLord,if you will thrive;no pro. fpering in the Commons where weeds will Choak , &c. Keep within the Church of God, in the communion ,ofhis people among his fervants, under the guidance of his Miniflers; for that is the duty of Minifiers to bring up, to train up,and help the weakones till they grow to be ftrong : the,' are to be Gods NurCes , and helpers of the weak in the Houle of God : Do not think to profper by breaking over the hedge,under pretence ofany right ofholineffe whatfoever, following any party that would draw you to reparation. 3. Make it amongft others,the principal Rudy of your lives to fludy the love of God in the Redeemer thenature of the newCovenant, and the infinite goodneffe revealed in the face of a Mediator ; how it was his defign to atm& the hearts ofmen to the love of God, by revealing his infinite love in theRedeemer, unto which end Chrift came for,even to represent Gods goodneffe in finners hearts,oftheir being reconciled to him,and ravifhing themwith his love, Study the glory, and ravifhing love of God, andunfpeakable goodneffe in a Redeemer. 4. Live not by fenfe, or upon worldly hopes, nor in the exercire of it.: See that you live a mortified life : take heed ofgluttingyour felves with creatures, or letting your hearts out to any creature, or letting any creature be too dear to you : live not too much on any fenfible thing , or upon any worldly hopes or expeftations. Shut your eyes to the world : let net your defines, ruu out to the world, and liveas much as you can upon the world to come. 5. Let holy felf-firipition alwayes make you fearful of temptati- on, and keepyou out of theDevils way:Would you keep your rtand- ing ?grow better and ff rong in grace; let not pride of your hearts, or confidence of your ftrength,make you meet .among any unlawful communion, leeany inticingCpeaacie , or thruft your (-elves upon temptation : you are never fafe ifyou thruft your felves upon temp- tation