PreachedAuguit 17.1662. 109 talon : think withyour fell, my weakneffe is great, I mull not gaze upon this enticing objea , left my heart take fire ; I ant not CO ft rong, as not to be able to ftand againft flick, &c. 6. When you cannot attain unto that heat of in cilia' affeecion you would, bePure you wall yprightly with God: fin not wilfully : keep your garments clean : let his Law before your eyes : fin not wilfully for a world : be but found in the way ofduty , and God will blefle you, and meet you in that way: be as exaet in obedience, as if you had that frame offoul you defire. 7. In a ftecial manner keep all your bodily fences-and defines in fubjeCtion,mortifie the flefh; keep under your carnal defines ina due fubjecaion to the Spirit ; let none ofyour fences take the- reins out of your hands;.keep a dominion over your fences. . Laftly, all your life long belonging to die : let the work ofyour life be to learn to die. Confider what neceflity to the fafety and comfort ofdeath to confider frequently , what affaults will be made upon dying men, that you may every day fortifie agaift it,to confider what graces and duties will be moil needful and nieful then,that you may be molt converting with, and execifing thole grace; and.dit- ties. He that bath well learnt to die, is no weak Chriftiam The ftrength of your grace lies in the exerciie of thee things ; faithful- lie praEcife them,and you will ftand when others fall , you will have comfort, when others caft away their comfort; you will die in peace, when others die in horror. 444444+444444414444+++++++44+ +++44444444 Dr. jacomb's forenoon S E l M 0 N. His Prayer. D LeffedGod, thou art a Godbleffed for ever ; thou givefi mercy to all j_.1 returning and repenting 'inners ; than art worthy to be Araifed by all that draw nigh unto thee. Thou h4 vouchfafed to us one Sabbath more, oh that we might all of us be in the fpirit upon the Lords day, that whatevelr we do, we may do it in the jirength of God, that we may offer fpiritual facrifices to-God this day, through our Mediator the Lord jefus. It is verygreat condefcention, that thou jhouldt fuller fuch as we are= to come unto thee ; 0 Lord we are unclean, we are unclean, from the crown of the beadto the role of the foot ; we are ovelpreadwith the le- profy of fin ; all the faculties of our fouls are defiled ; our under:Tand- ings are darkened, our wills are corrupted: we have afe0ions, but they are carnal; we have hearts, but they are impure; we hare confciences, but