11( 2 Dr. jacomb'sferention sermon. than freak but very little of the words as they do refer to Chi ifs; he tells us where his Father was with him ; he did not leave him alone in all the troubles and difficulties that he met withal in the finifhing the great work of mans redemption ; fill God was with him : It is true, there was a time when Chrift was without the fen- fible manifeftationof his Fathers pretence, when he cryed out, My God, my God,why baji thou forfaken me? Why, but yet even then in truth and in realitie his Father did not leave him ; for though he had.not the evidences of his Fathers pi efence, yet he had the in- fluences, of his Fathers pretence. It would bake up much time to thew you how in all particulars the Father was prefent with Chrifi: I will onlie fpeak this one word, and inflance in this one thing; Gods affitting pretence was alwaies with him, both in his aaive, and alto in his paffive obedience ; and indeedhe had that work todo,and thole miferies to fuffer, that if God had left him, if he had not been mightily affifted by the Divine Nature, Chrift as meer man could neither have done nor have fuffered what he did ; but the Father was with him, and to firpport him ; Ifa, 42. 1. Behold my fervaxt whom I uphold. You fhall find that Chrift did a& faith upon this,in Ifa. 50. 7 The Lord God Trill help me, therefore Ifhall not be confriln- ded. Ver. 9. The Lordwill help me. Soto the lame effeft is Pfal.16.9. And you fhall find this made good to him inScripture, in his grea- t& neceffities. Take a double infiance. In the firft place, after he had been en- gaged in the combat with Satan,. you read of in Mat. 4. the ftrong- -eft combat or Duel that ever was fought ; wherein you have the Prince of Peace and the Prince of darknefs ; theLion of the Tribe ofJudah, and the roaring Lion that leeks how to devour ; both of them putting forth their utmoft ftrength, and endeavouring to c- vercorne each the other fWow I lay in this combat the Father did not leave Chrift,but he helps him ; for he fends an Angel for to mi- nifter unto him, Mat. 4: So in Chrifts bitter Agony in the Gar- den, juft before his bitter paffion and death upon the Crofs, the Fa- ther did not leave him alone, for he fent an Angel unto him to frengthen him, bk. 22. 43. and Co in feveral other place:;, and in feveral other things I might inftance; but I than pals this by. I but now , Why did the Father thus Rand by Chrift ; he gives you the real°n of it in the Text, becatife he alwaies did the things that pleated him : This I fhall open in a double refpe&.. Firft, Chrifts undertaking of the woi k of our Redemption ; it was very well-pleafing unto his Father-that poor toft undon (inners Mould be brought back again unto God, and reftored unto his love and