Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Dr. Bate's ferenOott Sermon 27 down the exercife of our minifiry ; there is a greater Judge then you mull judge us all at the great day : and to this Judge we can appeal before Angels and,men,that it is not this thing or that thing, that puts its upon this diffenc,, but it is confcience towards God, and fear of offending hint. I cenfure none that differ fromme, as though they difpleate God : but yet, as to my felf, fhould I do this, and thus I fhould certainly violate the peace ofmy own confci- ence, and offend God, which 1 muft not do : no, not to fecure my, miniftery though that either is or ought to be, dearer to me then my very life : and how dear it is, God only knoweth. Do not add affiitlion to affliaion, be not uncharitable in judging ofus, as if through pride, fa&ion, obffinacy, or a party, or which is wor fe thenall,in oppofition to authority,we do diffent:the judge of all hearts knows it is not fo, but it is mealy from thole apprehenfions which after prayer, and the lifeof all means do yet. continue : that doing thus and thus,wefhould difpleafe God:there-- fore deal charitably with us, in this dayof our affiiEtion. if we be miflaken. I pray God to convince us : if others be miflaken, whe-- ther in a publick or private capacity,I pray God in mercy convince them ; but however thingsgo, God will make good this truth tous- in this work he will not leave us, and our Father will not leave us, alone; for it is the unfained defire of our foul, in..all things to pleale God. Dr. Bate's forenoon S ER. M 0 N. His Prayer. (AH Lord, thou art a moil holy and a moll high Gods theglorious /In- k. I gels when they fiand before thee cover their faces, yet they never- did violate thyLaws, and if tivy, how much more need have see to do it. We are finful duff and *es, our folemn Services are fin : defire to approach thy prefeNce, and to have an eye to thy glory in our Services and addreffes. Webefeecb thee give us a ferious and a deep fenfe of our own hearts, andvile affe6iions ; that we ?nay calf our felves down at thy feet with all humility. We have infinite reafon to be abafed in our felves, our God help us, We came into theworld withf 77) and as foon as we did breath in the air, we infe0ed it ; There is an infeElion and pollution in all our facul- ties ; what coldnefs is there inour affeEtions, and what unbelief in our faith , and our wills da /land oppolite againci thy holy nature. Wesonfers wehave had ten thouland experiences of tkofe corruptions that