Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Dr. Bates fore-noon sermon, F29 make, him an infirument offpublickgood, proteel hisperfon : andgive him profperous affairs. Blefs his Royal Confort, his Relations, his privy Councel, let them promotefolidpiety, and realgodlinefs. Blefs the Miniffers of thy Wordand Sacrament. Let their labours be precious in thy fight, and remember all afflieiedones: revive thy mourners, and let thygrace anEwer all their fears. Let thy prefence be in the inidft of us, and help us to hear as our lan, and let us be raifed nearer Hea7 ven,andmake thy wordpowerful and effeelual to all our fouls, and let thyword fubdUe our lu ; and all we begfor the fake of Jesus Cbriff, in who name and words we fkon up our imperfeel prayers, Our Father which art in Heaven, &c. +44444440++++++++++++++++++444444444 Dr. Bate's fore-noon S ER M ON. Heb. 13: 201 21. Now the God of peace that brought again from the _ dead our Lord jefus , that great Shepherd of the Sheep, through the blood oftheEverlaffing Covenant, makeyouperfeR in every good work to do his Will, working in you that which is well-plealing in his fight, through Jefus Chrifi : To whom beglory for ever and ever. T 'would give light to there words, if you confider the (cope and defign of the Apoftle in this Epifile to the Hebrews ; The fun of which is, He writes to them, that he might animate their fpirits a- gainft Apotiaeyfrom the Doeirineof the Gofpel, theywere liable to this upon a double account : i . Partly in retpeec ofthole Perfecutions to which they were expoled;for the Jews were filled with a brutifh zeal for the CeremOnies of the Levitical Law, and expreft the greateft rancour againft thole, who left Mofes to follow cheiti. This is the Reafon why the'Apoftle !ayes down fo many TreferVatives againft their revolting fromReligion; and he fpends one part of this Epi- file in a molt paffionate exhortation to perleverance,and cloth in the tenth Chapter infinuate him-(.elf into them ; You havealready tafted the firft-fruits of affii6tion, verf. 3. 4. You took, joyfully the fpoyling of your goods, knowing inyour felves, that you have in heaven a better and an enduring rubjlance. This is that tempter that Martyrs have-ex- Felt, who have not onlyparted with their goods,but with their, lives for the Golpel:When they came to the Stake,tbeywould not fo much as fhed a tear to quench thole flames, wherein they fliould arcend to God, as in a fiery Chariot, You tookjoyfu. illy the fpoyling of yourgoods, Knowing inyour felves, thatyou have a better andan enduring fubtiance.. Thus he infinuates by reprefenting what they had done, to a:COLL .