4+trto P1P4=i+ +14444 4): +14-4 +41'440+ 4-14 ,ti Dr. Bates's afternoon S E R. M 0 N. bleb. z 3 20,21. Now the God of peace that brought again from the dead 5 our iLordYerms , that great Shepherd of the (peep , through the blood ofthe e.,erlafirng Covenant , make you perfe(11 in every good workto do his will , working in you that which is well -Nearing in his fight, through jerk's whow be glory for ever and ever. IIe Apoille delcribes Godby the efeEts of his power and love, . [That brought againfrom the deadour LordJefus] The Reliirre- aion of Chrifl from the dead is one of the molt transcendent teffi- Monies of God's love and power towards us. r. Of his Love; becaule as theAnger ofGod was that which ern, our SaViour,lo on the contrary,it muff be his Love that fhould raile and reflorehim. Chriff , when hedied , he looked upon God as Enemy, as a judge; and as thole colours which we lee conveyed thus are anaverable to the Meditim through which we Cee thern;as, ifw e look through a coloured glaffe, we fee theobjet ofthat colour: So the Lord Jens, when he wasupon the Croft, looked upon God through the black cloud of our fins,and through the red cloud ofhis Father's wrath, and lo diedas4 Sacrifice toDivine joffice. But when he was railed from the ;rave, that was the teffimony of God's love to him and of his love to ns ; for he died as our Surety, he was arrefted for our debt, hewas tail into the Grave as into a Fri- fon : But by his RefurreVlon he was redeemed from Prifon and judgement.. And thefore you fhall find , when Chrifi was rilen, he Calotes his DificipleSrwith this ; Peace he unto you , Luke i4; 31. There was the dawning ofpeace at the Incarnation of Chrift , for then the Angels lung, Peaee Upon earth 3 but the compleat Sun.fhine ofpeace was at his Refurreaion , when he had made fill and coin- pleat fatisfaaion to God's Jufliee; for this was a clearing ofhim be- fore all the world, when God rai[ed him from the grave. And in this refipe& it was very agreeable for the Apoffle to fay , 777e Godof peace, that brought again front thedead our LordYefus. 2 It was the elle& of Infinite Power. You know 'cis natilially-im., poilible for a.dead body to quicken it felf, to revive ; but for the Lord Jeflts, who had the loadof the fins of all the Elea upon him, Who W.is,as it Were,lecured in the grave by God's Juftice aid Pow-- er, for him to rile again : This muff be .an effeet of iinfiuitepower in th.e-great God. This railing ofGhriff, lometimei 'cis attributed to the