Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached AUguft 17. 1662. 143 of Heaven , to come to a Fold here upon Earth. We read of Da vid , that he exchanged a SheePhook for a Scepter ; but Chrift quite contrary , he changed a Scepter for the Rod and Staffe of a Shepheard. It was laid by one , There is nothing fo confpicions in shrift, as theprodigality of his love to us: ! do but confider how great love that was , that fhould make him die for us , that he might bving us home to his Fold. We were all ofus like erring Peep , who had ftrayed from him , and fell to the Lordof the foil, as Mange Cam' : we were gotten into the poffeffion of the god of of this world the Lord Chrift would buy us off from thence: though we forfeited our right in him, yet he would not loie his right in us, but he laid down his life that he might reduce us to his Fold ; that of WOL. es he might make us Lambs, and fits us for the com- forts of his pretence. 2. In negle& of his exali diligence and infpecion over them;: When but one fheepwent affray from his Fold , we read, he left the ninety and nine, andwent and fought for that One, tukg .15. where we have that Parable, to exprefle the diligence and watchailneffe ofChriff over his (beep. There is no perfon, be he never fo mean, never fo obfcure, though loft in the number and account of the world, if he be one of Chrifis fheep, he is alwayes under his infpe,- Lion and watchfidneffe, We read ofthe High-Prieil,that he carried the names of the Tribes upoahis Breall-plate,the Lord Chrift carries thenames ofall his (beep in his heart ; therefore Rev. 13. fpeaking concerning the Saints, all that dwell upon earth, whofe names are writ in the book,of life. His diligence and care is fo exa&, that he bath all their names writ in his Book : He that tells the flars,counts their hairs, and alwayes exercifes the moll watchfuLprovidence o- ver them for good. You know fheep are either liable to rage; or erring and wandring ; Chrifts diligence is fuch , that he prote6t5 them from the rage of Satan,reduces them from all their wandring, and brings them home to hinifelf. 3. In making proportionable all their cervices and fufferings to thofe degrees of jirength which begives to thenz , lfa. 4o. i 1. Hejhall feed his iTockjike a Ihepherd, helhall gather the lambs with his arms , and carry thern-in his bofome, andfGall gently lead thofe that are with yoking. Chrift alwayes makes 2 proportion between the- fervices,fu fferings, fl'eength he calls them to He it is that with that tendernefS (peaks to Peter,Peterlove,1 thou me?feedmy lambs.He hath provided for them the molt ample,& molt fatisfyingnouri(hrnent,f1wOrdinances of theGor-- pei,therrd,the Prornifes,whi eh are the 'Brelis of Confolationithere e all provided by Lim for his People.And in this refpea he is thegreat. Shepherd,