Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

'144 Dr.Bate $ s atter-noon Sermon. 'Shepherd; forhe cloth not only allow themmeans, but bleffe, the means to them : he is able to enlighten the dark mind , and he cart make pliable the flubborn will, and he can fpiritualize drollie affe6tionsi which all other fhepherds- in the world are not able to effea. 4. He is the great Shepheard, ifyou confider hispower topreferve themfrom danger not onely thole dangers which relpea Satan, (for that fell under his care before)but tholedifeafes to which they are liable,' which threaten ruin: Other Shepherds poflibly can cure difeafes, but not defend them from danger. Chrift it is that gives eternallifetohispeep, he begins the lifeofholinefs, which though at prelent is but as a fpark in the Sea, yet he keeps it alive till it fhall break forth into a triumphant flame. That fife that is encompaffed with fo many enemies, and liable to fo many vveaknefles, the Lord Jetts will bringforth judgetnent to vieloly, andwill make them to be :powerful over fpiritual and eternal enemies. The fum is this : The Lord Chrift is fo perfea a Shepherd, fo compleat, as to all the qualifications of that office, that the Prophet David breaks forth into exultation, Pfal. 23. The Lord is my Shep- herd, &c. and then afterwards expreffes all thole provifions which are made for him by God as' a Shepherd, He makes me to lie down in treen lailtires, he leadeth me befide the gill waters. So tharyou fee, Chrift, whether for diligence, love, tendernefs, for prefervingus from danoer for leaning us to life eternal, he is only thegreat Shepheard he is the God of fhepherds, as well as the Godof {beep, and all other fhepherds are but inferior to him, and mutt beac- countable to him for the. foulsofhis (beep, which are more valua- ble than all the world. It follows, Thegreat Sheiherd[ofthe fbefpli I (hall not fpend any time in- making any relemblance between the peopleof God and the fheep only, I. They are (beep, in reipea oftheir Innocency. You know, ofall creatures the fheepare unarmed; other creatures, either they are armed with fliength, or skin,or fwiftnefs,to guard themfelves, a id offend others ; but the fheep bath neither the ftrength of the Lion, the craft of the Fox, fwiftnefs of the Deer, and of all creatures is -molt weak, inoffenfive, and moil liable to dangers arid injuries. ()fall perfOns, Cods people are moft, liable to danger, and when out ofChrifts prote&ion, the weakeft perfons in the world. 2.1n refpeEt oftheir Meeknefs. A (beep is an emblem of tneeknefs, that's their temper, and therein they imitate Chrift, who hath pro- pounded hintreifto be their pattern, Learn of me, for.I am meek