5b Mr. WatfOn's fore-noon Sermon, Shower down thy bleings (even the choicejl of them) upon the head and heart ofour dread Soveraign, Charles, by thy appointment of England, Scotland, Franceand Ireland, King, Defender of the faith ; Let him fee wherein his chiefell intereff lies ; let hind count thofe his belt jukes, that are Chrifis fubjeas ; Blefs him in his Royal Confort,in his Royal Re- lations; the Lords of his privy Councel, let them be a terror toevil doers, andencouragers of thole that do well. Blefs all thine Ordinances to us, make them to be fulnefs of life to every one before thee ; we are come this day to partakeof them, ohpour in wine and oyle into fouls ; let us be a warred garden ; let this bleffed Sacrament be apoyfon to our loft, and nourifhtnent for ourgrace. Hear us ; be our God, follow us with mercy, crown us with acreptance, and all for,Chrifihisfake,whom not feeingwe love,inwhom believing we rejoyce ; to Chriii, with thee, and the holy Spirit, beglory,honour, and praile, now andfor ever. Amen. 4444:444444444444444444444 444 ++444444+4,4 Mr. Watfon's Forenoon S ERMON. John 13. 34. A New command give Iuntoyou, thatye love one another, as I have lovedyou. wY E are this day called to a love-feaft, and nothing can be more fuitable then to treat of Chriftian love; jefils Chrift bath given us a great evidence of his love to us, he bled love at e- veryvein, thereforewe are to imitate him, and as becometh Chri. itians, to love one another. Tis a general complaint, how true I know not, That this is thegreat Grace that is defeaive among Chri- ilians. Although they pretend much love to Chrift, yet they have little love one to another. I have in former Sermons difcourfed concerning Faith, how that by Faith we muff receive Chrift in theSacrament, and now I (hall fpeak lomething ofLove; Love is needful at a feaff, it is regulate when weft down at our own Table. I remember it is laid ofAcs- gufline, He wouldnot fufer any to feaff at his table that came in a fpirit ofrancor, and fate down in pagion. Sure I am, they are not fit to be pelts at Chrifts Table, that come not in a fpirit of meeknefs and love. It is true, we are to eat the Paffover with bitter herbs, but they muff be bitter herbs of Repentance, not the bitter herbs of Malice, Wrath and Fury ; we muff come here w ith bitter tears, not with