Preached Auguil.17. 1662. II 5'5 nemies,andhe shed tears ofcompaffion for them,that afterwardihed his Blood. So much for the Do&rinal part. Now fOr a word ofAp- plication, and I have done. VSES. And, Firft,This may serve to reprove thole who feem in other things to be excellent, and profefs much love toward Chriff and hisGorpel,but have no love to the SaintsofGod:there are forint that upon thiS very account, have for there great many year, abfen- ted themfelves from the Lords Supper, becaufe they pretendnot to be in charity. This is a double-died fin, a finwith a witnefs,its a fin not to come, and its a fin not to be in charity. But let me fay this to them, Surely (itch kind ofChriftians are a shame to their pro- feffion. What, doth not the Gofpel teach you Charity and Love, as well as faith ? Surely that Chriftian hath no grace in his heart, that liveth out of charity with his brother : for as the Philolopher faith, All the virtues are linked together, and tied as with a firing, andwhere there is one, there is all : and where one is wanting, there is no venue fo I fay of the Graces, they are linked together, and where there is one, there is all.: andwhere one is wanting, there none at all. Saith ,Auggiine, Thou braggeff of thy faith in Chrilf, but pry me thy faith by thy love toChrift, for faith and love cannot be fepa- rated: for as in the Sun, there is light and heat, and thele can- not be feparated one from the other : fo faith and love is twifled together, and where there is the one wanting, the other is wanting: as he that did fo engrave his name on the Buckler ofMinerva, that whoever went about to take out his name, spoiled the Buckler fo Faith and Love are fo infeparable, that if you go to take away the one, you fpoil the other. Oh remember, and mourn for it, thou that fayeft thou art not in charity ; its a fad fymptonie, thou art not in a Elate of grace, Titus 3. ver. 5. For we our 'elves alfowere foinetitnes foolifb, difebedient, deceived, ferving divers lutts andplea. fures, living in malice, envy, hateful, and hating one another ; that is, before converfion we were livened with the poi fon of malice and wrath ; but when once the grace of God came, then it was other- wife; that man that hath not Love and Charity in his heart, Purely he bath nothinwofGod in him, for God is Love ; he knoweth no- thing of the GoTpel favingly, for the Gofpel is a Gospel ofpeace ; he hash none of the wifdom which commeth from Heaven, for that is meek and gentle, and eafy to be entreated. If there be any on the other fide, that are not in charity, and yet will come to the Lords Table, remember this, youget no good by the Ordinance ; you do but defile the Ordinance. The Apoffie calls it, the leaven of malice ; it doth fowre all your holy X ?. Duties,