Preached Auguit r7. 1662. 165 thers are juff in their dealings,but havenot one fpark ofzeal for God. Ifyou would go to heaven, you muff run both fides of the Table; the firfi andfecOnd Table, joynpiety and morality toge- ther; as we blame the Papilts for blotting out the fecond Com- mandment, let not the Papifis blame us for leaving not out the fe- cond Table. 13. Joyn the Serpent and the Dove together, innocency and prudence, Mat. i 0. 16. Be wife as Serpents,andharmlefs as Doves, We muff hare innocencywith our wifdom, elle our wifdom is but craft inefs;& we muff have wild ome with our innocencie, ells our innocencie is but weaknefs : We muff have the harmlefnefs of the Dove, that we may not wrong others, and we muff have the prudence ofthe Serpent, that others may not abule and cir- cumvent us, nor towrong the truth by filence. Here is the inno- cencie of theDove, not to betray our felves by rafhnels ; here'S thewifdom of the Serpent : how happy it is where there two are tnited,the Dove and theSerpent; the Dove without. the Serpent is fol lv, and the Serpent without the Dove is impietie. 14. Be moreafraid of fin then offuffering; A manmay be affii- fted, and yet have the love of God, but he cannot fin, but pre- lently God is angry, fin eclipfes the light of Gods countenance, in Coffering the conlcience may be quiet. When the hail beats upun the Tiles, -there may be mufick in the houfe ;and_when there is Coffering in the bodie, there may bepeace and mufick in the confcience ; but when a man fins wilfully and prefumptu- oufly, he loofeth all his peace. Spira abjured his faith, and he became a terrour tohimfelf, he could not endure hitnielf;he pro- felled he thought Cain and Judas in hell did not feel thole ter hours andhorrours that he felt. He that will .commit fin to pre- vent fuffe ring, is like a man that let's his head be wounded, to lave his thieldand his Helmet. 15. Take heed of Idolatry, t Yoh. 5. 21.. Little children keep, your felves from Idols. Idolatry is an image of jealoufie to pro- . yoke God, it breaks the marriage-knot a funder, and makes theLord difclaim his intereft in a_people.. What kind of Religi- on is Popery ? it is the Mother of many Monfters. What foul-, damning doetrines do it hold forth, as the meriting of falvation by good works, the giving of pardons, the worfhipping of An- gels, Popifh indulgencies, Purgatory, and the like ; iris a foul- damning Religibn, it is the breeder of Ignorance, unclean -. nets and Murder: the Popith religion is not defended by ftrength ofArgument, but by forceof Arnas.Keep your Ickes from, Idols, and