Preached Auguit 17. 1662. 167 rit ferving the Lord. Take heed of a dull lazy temper in Gods fervice ; you muff not onely fay a Prayer, or read a Prayer, but you muff pour out your Soul in Prayer not onely love God, but be lick of love to God. God in the old Law would have the Coals put to the Incenle, Levit. x6. 13. and why fo to typifie that the heart muff be inflamed in the worfhip of God; your Prayers muff goup with a flame of Devotion. I con- fefs Hell will, be taken without form, you may jump into Hell with eafe, but it is all up hill to heaven, and therefore you muff put forth all your might, Mat. 12. II. Theviolent take, heaven by force. Heaven is not taken but by form: do you not fee men zea- boils and very a&ive for the Devil, and for their hafts, and fhall they take pains for Hell, and will not you take pains for Heaven? i9.Do all the goodyou can, while you live, to others,Godhatht made every creature ufeful for us, the Sun hath not its light for it felf, but for us, the Fountain runs freely,and Co do the myrrhe drop from the Tree : every creature doth as it were deny it Celf from us, theBeaft gives us its labour, the Bird gives us its mufick, and the filk-worm its filk : Now hath God made every thin c/ ufe- ful for us, and fhall not we be ufeful one for another ? 0 labour to be helpful to the Souls of others, and to fupply the wants of others : Jefits Chrift was a publickbiding in the world, he went about doing good : we are all members of the body politick,nay, we are not membersofthe body myflical, and (hall not every member be helpful for the good of thebody ? that is a dead mem- -her that doth not communicate to the good ofthe body.Olabour to be ufeful to others whileyou live, that fo when you die, there may be a milsofyou ; many livefo unfruitfully, that truly their life is fcarce worth a Prayer, nor their death fcarce worth a tear. 20\, Every day fpend fome thoughts upon Eternity.- 0' Eternity, Eternity : all of us here are ere long, it may be fome ofus within a few dayes or hours, to lanch forth into the Ocean of Eternity. Eternity is flatus interminabilis , Cayes Eoetius, no ProlpeEtive-glafs can fee to the end of Eternity. E. ternity is a fumme that can never be numbred, a Line that can never be meafured: Eternity is a Condition of everlafting mi- fery or everlaffing happineffe ; if you are godly, then fhall you be for ever happy,you than be always funning your. felves in the light of Gods countenance : ifyou are wicked, yott flail be al- ways miferable, ever lying in the fcalding furnance of the wrath of the Almighty. 'Eternity to the godly is a day that bath' no fun-letting; Eternity to the wicked is a night that hath no