Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

:6 Mr. Caiarny's Sermon. brought into fuch a firait, that he was afraid that every one that met him would flay him. Alas poor Cain ! how many was there -then in the World? we read, but his Father and Mother ; yet fuch was his diftrefs, that he cryeth out, everyon that met him would flay him, Gen. 4. 14. Into what a ftrait did fin bring theold world ? the deluge of fin brought a deluge of water to drown them. Into what a &air did fin bring Sob/7z and Gomorrah ? the fire of luft reigning in Sodom and Gomorrah, brought down fire from Heaven to deftroy them. Sin brings external, internal, and eternal firaits upon perfons and Nations. i. Sin brings external ftraits ; fin brings Famine , Sword, and Plague ; fin brings Agues and Fevours, Gout, and Stone, and all manner of Difeafes : yea, fin brings death it fell; which is the wages of fin. Read Levit. 26. and lieut. 23, and youwill fee a black roll of curies, which were the fruit of fin. Sin brought Sion into Babylon; and when the Jews had murthered Chrift , forty years after they were brought into that diftrefs, when the City was befieged by Titus Vefpafian, that they did eat one another, the mo- ther did eat her childe ; that whereas David had a choice which of the threehe would have, either Famine, Plague, or Sword : the poor Jews had all three concatenated together in the liege: fin bringsall manner of external plagues. 2. Sin brought Perfons and Nations into internal ftraits : fin brings foul-plagues, which are worfe then bodily plagues : fin brings hardneis of heart, blindenefs of minde, a fpirit of flum- ber, a reprobate fenfe ; fin brings a fpiritual famine upon a Land ; it brings a famine of the Word, Amos 8. i i. fin caufes God to take away the Golpel from a people : fin brings internal plagues : ,fin awakens Confcience , and fills it fill of perplexities. Into what a limit did fin drive Judas after he had betrayed Chrift ? Into what a ftrait did fin drive Spira ? St. Paul gloried in his tribulati- ons for Cod : but when he fpeaks of his fin, he crieth out, 0 mi- ferabIe man that Iam, who ,/hall deliver me from this body of death? David a valiant man, when he fpeaks of fin, faith, they are too heavy a burden for him to bear : A wounded confcience who can bear ? faith the Wile man. 3. Sin bringeth eternal ftraits : 0 the firait that a wicked man fhall be brought into at the great and dreadful day of judgement, when all the World {hall be on fireabout him ! when he (hall call to the Mountains to hide him, and to the Rocks to cover him, from the wrath of God : then will he cry out with David, I am 0