Mr. Watfon's Sermon. a. The troubles that the righteous man meetswith, they turn to good : and fo it is well with them : That is a moll famous Seri. pture in the 24. of Jer. the 5. Whom Ihai,re fent out ofthis place, un- to the Land of the Caldeans for their good. Gods own Ifiael wei e tranfported into Babylon among their enemies : but it is for their good, faith the Lord, The troubles of the righteous, are a means to purge out their fin. I have read a Dory of one who running at ano- ther with a lword to kill him, by accident his fword run into an impoftume, and broke the impoftutue thus all the evils and trou- bles of the righteous ferve but to cure them of the impofiume of pride, to make them more humble, when that the body of a Saint rs affii&ed, his Soul that revives flourifhes in Grace. kr At Rome there was two Lawril-tree, and when the one wither-. td, the other did flourifh : fo when the body is affliEted, yet the Soul, that Lawrel, doth revive and flouriah God doth diall out ofthe bittereft drink his Glory and our Sal- vation a SaithJerome, that, that the world looks on is as a punifh- ment, God makes a medicine to heal the fore: why, then it is well with the righteous. The Rod of God upon a Saint, is but onely Gods Pencil) whereby he draweth his Image more lively on the Soul 5 God never ftrikes the firings of his Viol, but to make the Nitifick the fweeter, Then it was well with the righteous. z. In the [ilia ofall, thetrouble that doth befall the righteous, yet Dill it is well with them in regard, of thole inward heart revi- vings that God doth give them. We fee a godly mans milery, but we do not fee his comfort ; we fee hiks:Prifon gates, but we do not hear the Mufick that is within his confcience ; God doth fweeteen tohis people outward trouble, with inward peace; it is the title that is given to God, Car. 7. 7. God comforteth them that are call down : the Bee can gather Honey as well from the thiale and the bitter herb, as from the Tweet flower t the child ofGod can gather joy out ofhis furrow, (Alt of the very karkafs ; fometimes the Lord gives honey, when thebody is in pain ; the foul may be at cafe; as when a mans head akes yet his heart may be well : thus it is well with the righteous: God gives him that inward comforts, that revives and fweetens his outward. pain. 3. Inthe timeoftrouble and calamity, yet Dill it is well with the i ighteous becaufe God doth cover his people in time of trou- ble, he hides them in the Dorm, God hath a care to hide his jewels, and will not let them he carried away, and thus he makes good that Sc. ii tore literal! y.Pfal. 91. 4. lie fkall corer thew with his fea- thers,,