Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

Preached Auguft I 9. 1662. 173 thers, and under his wings(halt thou visit, no evil pall touch thee. Godoftentimes verifies this Scripture literally, he makes his An- gels to be his peoples Life-guard, to hide them , and defend them when a Floodwas coming upon the world, God provided an Ark to hide Nbab: when Ifraelis carried and tranfported into Babylon, God hid lereatiakand gave him his life for a prey, jer.39. Ir. and in this fenfe the Saintsof Godare called hiddenones,Pfat 83.3. Why fo? not only becauCe they are hid in Gods decree,and hid in Chrifis wounds, . but oftentimes God hides them in a time of common danger , and calamity : they are hidden ones: he referved to himfelf fevers thou- fand, that had not bowed the knee to Baal. The Prophet knew not' where there was one, but God knew there were feven thoufand. In- this fenfe it is well with therighteous in time ofpublikmifery. I but you'/ fay fometimes it fares yet worfe then all this ; fome. times the,righteous they die and perifh , they are carried away ina Tempeft : why juill it is well with the righteous, and that in a twofold' fenfe. i. Many times God doth take away the righteous by death, and' that ingreat mercy : he takes them away , that they thall not fee the mifery that comes upon a Nation. Virgil the Heathen Peet, faith, they are happy that die before their Country : his meaning was they die before they fee the ruin of their Country ; and truly,. God many times takes away his people in , that they may not fee the ruin that is coming on a Land ; you have in Scripture for this, i King. i 4.. 13. Heonly ofleroboam fall come to the Grave irt- peace, becaufe in hint there isfound (011ie good things towards the Lord' Godof Ifrael. God puts him in this Grave betimes in mercy,becaufe he fhould not feethe evill coming on theLand, and there's a paral!. lel to this, 2 Kings 12. laft it is fpoken of joriala, .1 willgather thee unto- thy Fathers; thou !halt lie gathered unto thy. Grave in peace, andthine- eyes frail not fee the evill Iwillbring upon this place. jojiah he died in battle : how then was it Paid thathe went to the Grave inpeace ? We muft underhand the meaning-of- it is this ; yofi'ali went to his Grave in peace, becaufe he was a holy man and he has made his peace with God, and Co hewent to his Grave-in peace--; and 'becaufe he fhouldnot fee the evill approaching, God gathered him- to his, grave in peace. yerom - 'Speaking- of his friendNepotiai? (you muff obferve- yeront lived to fee Come troubles before he dyed) faith he, 0 how happy is my friend Nepotian,that fees noihefe troubles,but is got out of the florm, and is'arrived fafe in the Haven.? I;(it er