Calamy, Horton, Manton - BX9327 .F28 1663

T74 Mr. Watfon's Sermon, Luther dyed , in mercy, before the troubles in Germany broke forth; and thus you fee the righteous, though they dye,yet it is wel with them ;.God takes them away in mercy, that they may not lee approaching evils. 2. Though the the Righteous dye and are taken away, yet it is well with them, becaufe death cannot hurt them. Death can neither hurt their bodies, nor yet their fouls,and then it is well with them. I. Deathcannot hurt their bodies, the body of a Saint it doth not perith, though it die; the bodies ofthe Saints are very precious duff in Gods account : precious duff, the Lord locks up thefejewels in the grave as in a Cabinet; the bodies of the Saints lie mellowing, and ripening in the grave,till the bleffed time of the refiirre&ion:Oh bow precious is the duff ofa Believer though the world mind it not, yet it is precious unto God. The Husbandman he hath fome Corn in his Barn, and he hath other Corn in the ground; why theCorn that is in the ground , is as precious to him as that is in the Barn : the bodies of the Saints in the grave are Gods Corn in the ground, but the Lord makes very preciousaccount of this Corn : the bodies ofthe Saints (hall bemore glorious and bleffed then ever they were at the Refurre&ion. Tertullian he calls them Angelical bodies in re- gard ofthat beauty and luitre that be upon them. As it is with your Silks when they are dyed of a Purple or Scarlet colour, they are made more bright and illuftrious then they were before; thus it is with the bodies of the S AI NTS, they fhallbe dyed of a bet- ter colour at the reffirre&ion; they (hall be made like a glorious body, Phi/.3.20. thus it (hall be well with the righteous, their bodies (hall not perifh. 2. It will be well with the righteous at death,as to their fouls too. Oh! it will be a bleffed time , methinks it is with a Saint at the time ofdeath, juft as it was with.Saint Paul in his voyage to Rome; we read that the Ship didbreak,but though there were fo many bro- ken pieces , yet he got fafe to Chore ; fo though the (hip of the Be- lievers body break by death , yet it is Cafe with the paffengers , his foul, that gets fafe to the Heavenlyharbour : lertne tell you theday ofa believers death, it is theBirth-day of his bleffednefle , it is his Afcention day to Heaven; the day ofhis death, it is his Marriage day with Jefus Chrift. Faith doth but contra& us, here in this life is but the contraa, but at death then the Nuptials (hall be folemnized in ;logy, they (hall fee God face to face , it will be Heaven enough to have a fight ofGod,. faith Ruffin : when the Saints Mall enter into joy here, joy enters unto them,but then they (hall enter into it. They (hall drink ofthole pure Riversthat run from the everlafting Foun- tain, And